I nod, since I don't want to give away anything of what we're doing. "I'm sure this has been the most exciting situation for you guys, but believe me we are not trying to interrupt your daily routines."

He smiles dubiously at me, not sure if I'm telling the truth or not. "I'm sure that if you could say something you would tell me." He motions for us to sit down and relax for a bit. "I will bring some food for you perhaps you can share what you can, maybe you can trust me a little more."

"Grandfather." Jahní cutting into our conversation. "It is best that you don't know what is happening, for your own safety and that of the family."

Her grandfathers eyes open wide at her comment. "So, it is a dangerous situation that you have put yourself in and now you're involving us."

"Now hold on just one minute sir; this is not accurate, we have not put this family in any form of danger which is why our child is here." I can't believe he would say such a thing to us, that we would put them in any danger; He knows how much Jahní cares for her family.

"Oh is that so?" What does he mean by that question, is he trying to say that we have no feelings or care little for this family. "It seems to me that you have put your pride before us, and soon they are going to figure out where you are coming for assistance!"

I look at Jahní realizing for the first time that he might have a point. What if our enemies figure out that we are coming to Green Seven, to have all our repairs done. "We will take all the necessary steps to protect you, this family and our child. They will not figure out where we are or where we're getting our repairs done."

Jahní put her hand on my shoulder and squeezes.
"Perhaps it is time to rethink where we go to have our ships serviced and repaired because we may be putting our family in danger, inadvertently letting our enemies know things they should not."

I think that over for a bit rubbing my chin thinking about the possibilities of our enemies discovering the Safehaven. And it's true they may find a way to locate our place of rest and recovery. "All right, we're gonna have to consider that carefully because there is a ring of truth behind it that I can't ignore."

"Very well we will find another place." I turn to Jahní realizing that we have to change our strategies now since we no longer have a safe haven.

"You know there is the old abandoned battle station at Gorahat Two." We all turn and see Jahní's aunt who has been sitting here the whole time listening to us. "It is the safest place for you to maintain your operations."

I look at her wondering how much she has picked up by our conversation; knowing full well the sensitive nature of what we're doing. "How do you know this place is safe?"

"Well it's better than being here!"

I suppress a frown that was beginning to form on my forehead. "We're gonna have to see and look into this, in order to know that it meets our tactical requirements."

Jahní fold her arms across her chest, looking at her aunt seriously. I don't think it's because she doesn't trust her aunt, but the less people know of our doings the safer it will be for everyone. "You have no business in this conversation it is better if you stay out of it."

A frown forms on her aunts face and her eyes narrow. " I don't need your permission in order to protect this family, however you." She points a finger in my direction. "You have no right to put this family in any kind of danger. Particularly against a powerful enemy; I will oppose you at every turn if you don't change your plans!"

Now it's my turn to frown. "You have no say in this; this is not your concern, so please take care of your own business and leave military matters to us!"

"So this is now a military matter! What do you know of war! Our people have seen much war in its history, and your people just came out of the cave a few years ago!"

I take a deep breath knowing that this is Jahní's family and I don't want to be too insulting, but I can't let this one slide, there's no way. "I am well aware of how long your people have been fighting wars, but my people are not novices at war fighting!"
She looks about ready to explode. "However, this does not make you better than us if anything it makes us the same, only you are more technically advanced."

"That is enough!" Jahní is very forceful with us, which makes me turn wide-eyed in her direction.
"We are not enemies and we will not treat each other as such. We will find a new haven for us to use in order to repair our ships, but we will come here periodically; specifically to visit our son."

Her aunt sits back and calms down and I fold my arms across my chest and remain quiet as well; Jahní is correct we cannot view each other as enemies.

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