Chapter 9

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"Aren't you going to do something about that?" Kook asked me. I looked at Hobi and Yuna giggling again. This was a everyday thing now. They both had become a lot closer. And it bothered me. I couldn't let Hobi go. He was the only person that I could call mine. But he was slowly slipping away. Should I just let go?
"Kim Y/n!"I looked at Kook who was talking something for a long time.
"Let's just go." I said.
" Shut up and come. "I said trying not to lose my temper. Jungkook saw that and shut up.
We went on our usual place behind the building.
" Are you afraid he'll not like you back? "Jungkook asked breaking the silence.
" Jungkook. "I sighed. I was tired of all this." Just stop it. I don't like Jung Hoeseok. Stop asking me the same question everytime you see him with a girl. "
He frowned." But you-
"What Jungkook?" I snapped. "Stop it alright? Don't meddle in other's business. What the hell is wrong with you? Just go and ask your crush out instead of annoying me with your useless theories."
Jungkook looked taken aback. He opened his mouth but then he realized what I said to him, only after a minute I said.
" Ok. I'll leave you alone. "He said stepping back." Now I know why they all leave you in the end. "
All the guilt I had for snapping at him, swept away. Even if I said some angry words...he crossed the line.
I walked away that day. And never came back to them.
When I reached home that day I saw Jin being way too happy for my mood. He jumped on me when he saw me. "Guess what?" He asked playfully.
"Did someone die?" I asked. He smacked the back of my head but didn't get angry.
"I met this boy...his name is Namjoon. And he's so sweet and smart and caring and loveable and-
" Are you two together? "I asked.
He shook his head. His face was all flustered just by the thought of it maybe." We just started talking. Maybe in the future. He's like the most perfect person for me. You should meet him. Maybe afterwords. "
" Let's see. "I shrugged pulling away." I'll see you later. "
" What's wrong with you? "He frowned.
" I don't have to tell you everything Jinnie. "I sighed." And if you'll excuse me...I have to go. "
" Yah, what's wrong with you? "Jin caught the handle of my bag before I could escape.
" Jin oppa. "I said clutching my fist." I'm not really in the mood to talk. I'm afraid I'll say something you won't like. So stop it right now. "
" When did you start talking like grown ups? "He asked in a teasing tone. I counted numbers so that I wouldn't snap again." Just tell me. Did something happen? Did you fight with your friends? What did you do to them? That is why I always told you to control your mouth. If you keep on being like this you'll lose all your friends. Do you want to be a loner? Wha-
I stood in shock as I realized what I did.
"Did you just punch me?" Jin asked touching the place where the punch landed. I looked at my fist and then at Jin's cheek.
I should not have done that. But I could not take it back either.
"It wouldn't have happened if you weren't being so much nosy. Just mind your goddamn business like you did. Don't try to pretend to be a protective, close brother suddenly." I ran to my room before I would cry.

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