"You know, don't you?" Liam says. "Zayn told you."

"You're leaving?" For the first time in months, Harry feels lost again.

Liam nods. "We're continuing our studies in London."

"London?!" That's hours away, he thinks, but he doesn't dare to say it.

"You didn't think she'd stay here forever and wait for you to change your mind and be by her side again, did you?" His friend says accusingly. "You never talked to her ever since you two broke up. It's been five months, Harry. Five months in which she waited and hoped, and that you spent ignoring her. Don't get surprised if she doesn't want to stay here any longer."

Harry knows he's right. He's so right, and it hurts even more because of it. She's too good to wait around for someone like him, he shouldn't be surprised she doesn't want to put up with it anymore. After all, he's been a prick to her, even though it was his twisted way to protect her.

They couldn't be friends.

He considered talking to her, at first. He considered explaining his motives and becoming her friend, but it could've never worked out.

He'd never be able to be just friends with her. He loves her more than he's ever loved anyone and more he'll ever love anyone, friendship would never be possible for them. He'd just end up pulling her in once again, and then he'd sink to the bottom of the ocean and take her down with him like he always feared he would.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispers.

"She didn't want me to, Harry."

Even though it breaks him to know she explicitly told his own friend to tell him nothing about their departure, he can't help but feel a quick shard of joy rush through him at the realisation that she thought about him. He must be far too gone to be happy he was on her mind in a similar situation, but he relishes the passing emotion. It's the first time he feels something other than pain ever since he broke up with her.

"I see." He turns around and makes to leave, but Liam stops him.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out, Harry."

Harry clenches his jaw, anger at himself coming over him at the other's words. "I ruined everything."

Liam pulls him into a hug. "You weren't ready," he says. "It was the wrong time for you two. But I promise you, Harry. One day you'll stop feeling like everyone's out to get you, and you'll see it's not so hard to let people in." He lets him go and gives him a smile. "You'll find happiness then, and she'll be standing on the other side."

"Don't make empty promises," Harry warns him. He's had enough of those. He lost count of the amount he told himself to get through the last five months.

"Time will tell whether they're empty or not." He tilts his head. "I'll miss you, Harry. Make sure to check in often, I don't trust you and Zayn one bit."

Harry nods. "I'll go."

This time around, Liam doesn't stop him.

He gets in his car and speeds away.

He should've known she was never going to stay there. She's too bright to confine herself to their small town, and she knows that.

This is all he's ever wanted for her, to fly as close to the sun as possible without letting it melt her wings. To go as far as the wind would take her. To find her path in the world and walk it, to strive for success. This is exactly why he broke up with her, so that she'd be able to follow her dreams without ever having to worry about him.

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