"You're one sick fuck." He laughed as he knelt down beside you, his hands resting on the bed, one on top of the other. You looked right at him, never breaking eye contact. He was always the first to break it. Low self-esteem.

"You seem to like the sick fucks. I mean, at least that's what your track record shows." He stood, pacing around the bed until he's at your feet. "I mean most of the men you've dated are either dead or in jail." He looked unamused as his gaze was everywhere but you.

"That's as easy as a facebook search." Which was true. Most of your exs were bad boys. But they were from middle and high school. You could hardly call them boyfriends.

"Your mother had a dirty little secret these past 29 years didn't she?" He flicked his eyes up to meet yours, looking to see if a reaction would come about. But you tried to keep all micro expressions to yourself. "Dating fuck ups seems to run in your bloodline." He was now on your right, once again knelt down.

You laughed. "She was doing what she felt was right. You cant place blame on her for that. She's a good mother."

"And yet you still followed in her footsteps." If he thought he was getting under your skin he was mistaken. "Spencer's the biggest fuck up there is. I mean come on he kills people to get by."

"Isn't that what you do too?" He didn't like that. He lunged at you, grabbing your face in his hands, his face a few millimeters from yours.

"I don't kill. If I killed, you'd be dead by now." He threw your face back onto the bed. He pulled out his camera and set it up on a table adjacent to where you were. "Say hi to your fans. The internet loves you."

Spencers POV

"Morgan and JJ cover the back. Richie, Luke and I will take the front. Rossi, Emily, and Simmons, stay here in case he runs." I was giving orders as we stood on the gravel of the warehouse, we were almost positive y/n was. Richie used his contacts to find out if Jameson boasted to anyone about capturing a mobster's daughter. Turns out, he did. He told his old living relative, his brother. Garcia then found a warehouse in the brothers name that was scheduled for demolition next week.

I had briefed Richie on the whole "you cant kill him on sight as much as you and I want too" issue. This was the FBI not the mafia. We were doing this take down right. The last thing I wanted was anything more to happen to her. I just wanted her back.

We entered through the front as quiet as possible. When we left he was streaming. Boasting to her about how dating fuck ups was a part of her bloodline. I was terrified to see her. Afraid of losing it once I locked my eyes onto hers.

I prayed to the God's I didn't believe in that they still held stars. But even if they didn't, I would still love her. I would hold her for as long as she needed me too. I'd love her until she no longer wanted me too. I'd move heaven and Earth to put the light back into her life.

"You gonna be okay?" Luke asked as we cleared rooms. I just nodded. Then I heard her screams. I rushed forward, Luke and Richie falling just slightly behind me. I rounded the corner with my gun loaded, her screams growing louder as I walked.

"FBI. Put your hands where I can see them." He wasn't looking at me, but she was. Tears streaming down her pretty cheeks, eyes red and puffy, lips chapped. Even in this state she was still just as beautiful as the day I met her.

His eyes met mine, "well, well, well, it took you long enough."

"Put your fucking hands where I can see them, Jameson. It's over."

"So so demanding." He mocked me. If I didn't have direct orders not to shoot, he'd be dead already. "Oh! Look at this! It's a family affair. Y/n meet your father, Richie meet your daughter!" Richie appeared at my side, gun drawn.

"Let her go Jameson. She has nothing to do with this." Richie sneered. Jameson shook his head.

"See that's where you're wrong. She's your blood so, in the end, she'll always have something to do with whatever it is you do."

I cocked my gun, giving him one last chance to surrender. "Oh my god you're so fucking scary, Reid."

"Last chance to let her go and surrender." I was counting in my head. Counting the number of bullets in the chamber. Counting the probabilities of him having a weapon. Counting the number of possible broken bones she had. Counting the tears that fell down her face. Counting down until I could arrest this mother fucker.

"You hear that? He wants me to surrender." He cooed to her. She wasn't listening.

Then he lifted his hands, but not in surrender. He had a gun and so I pulled my trigger. And now it was his turn to scream out in pain. He fell to the ground clutching his stomach. Not a kill shot but it did the trick. Luke kicked the gun away and arrested Jameson as Richie and I tended to y/n.

"Get a medic in here. NOW." I paged to those waiting to for all clear. I found the keys to her cuffs and freed her, her limbs falling lose to the bed. She let out a cry of pain, fresh tears falling down her cheeks. My heart squeezed at the sight. Richie grabbed the keys and freed her feet, laying them down as gently as he could.

I brushed her hair out of her face as I placed light kisses across her forehead. "You're safe baby. I'm right here" She smiled up at me the best she could. It was weak but it was her. "You're so beautiful. I'm so sorry, y/n. I'm so fucking sorry I left you. I'll never leave you again." I cooed at her as paramedics rushed in to get her to the hospital.

"This wasn't you're fault, Spence. You cant blame yourself." She reached up and cupped her cheek with her good hand. I moved my face and kissed her palm gently. She smiled again.

"It was. If I didn't get out of bed, this wouldn't have happened." Now it was my turn to cry, all the emotions of the past few days catching up with me.

"Stop blaming yourself, Spence." She winced as they placed her on the stretcher.

"Sir, are you coming?" One asked as they took her to the ambulance.

"Go. We'll meet you at the hospital." Richie patted me on the back. I followed close behind them, climbing into the back of the ambulance with her. And right there I made I silent vow that I wouldn't ever leave her side for the rest of my life. 



okay question time: would y'all read a one shots collection? We still have a long way to go with this one but I also was thinking of writing one shots and alternating between then and this. So this one day, and the next day upload a one shot? 

Thoughts and opinions? 

(also we will back to smut in a few chapters. Just hold ya horses) ❤️❤️

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