For the rest of the afternoon I just relaxed in my room. I went to the pool, to do a short recovery session but that was it.

As it came nearer to the time to go to sleep I got up from my bed and got out what I was gonna wear tomorrow. Grey nike sweats, a black sleeveless tight t-shirt, a blue hoodie with no branding and an oversized grey jacket.


"Shannon!" Connor gasped as she saw her. "I'll leave you two, I've got a match to play!" He shouted, running to his teammates.

"Well we meet again I guess." I told Shannon.

"How you finding Ireland so far?" She asked me as we walked over to the side of the pitch.

"It's okay I guess. Most of the people at school hate me, but Connor is super nice and the girls in my team are great also." I told her.

"Why do they hate you?" She asked, a bit shocked.

"Because I don't take bullshit from "the popular girls" you know." I told her. "How about you? What do you think about it?" I asked her.

"It's okay I suppose. Everybody is super welcoming, but I miss England." She told me.

"Where in England are you from?"

"Manchester actually." She told me.

"Sweet! My uncle lives in London, he's like this massive Arsenal fan."

We talked and got to know each other a bit more as we watched the boys warm up waiting for the actual match to start.

"My quote on quote brother is playing with your friend Connor." She told me as the boys walked out.

"Oh like the guy you live with right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's number 11." She said.

The match ended as Connors team won 2 - 0, with Connor getting a goal and an assist. He jogged over to us with number 11 after the match.

"God match Liam!" Shannon said as she high fived him.

"So, what you think?" Connor asked me.

"You played alright I guess." I teased him as he gave me a small nudge.

"I've got to go shopping now, you're invited to come if you want but it's gonna be boring." Connor told me.

"If you want we can hang out actually." Shannon said directly.

"You sure?" I asked her, not wanting to bother her.

"For sure. Let's go." She said as we walked out of the pitch.

We walked for a good 15 minutes before we ended up in this big wide grass field. It was quiet, nobody was around just the two of us and a few older people who walked around on the path.

I followed her past the green field as we climbed down to some rocks just beside the shore. We sat and watched the waves hit the rocks harshly on the windy day.

"So when will you be seeing your family again?" I ask Shannon, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. Probably not until next summer, when I'll be back for good." She told me as she flicked some rocks into the ocean.

"So no christmas with your family then?" I asked her.

"Nah, I'm not a christmas person anyway. I haven't been one since I was 11." She told me.

I knew she didn't want to say much more about it so I decided to shut up and just look out at the view.

Time ticked by and it started to get colder. I was fine because I had a sweatshirt and a jacket on but Shannon was shaking a bit, since she just had her t-shirt on.

"Here take this." I told her, handing her my jacket.

"I'm fine don't worry."

"You're shivering, take it please." I asked her once again.

"Okay, but just cause I don't want to get sick and not be able to play my next match." She told me making me smile.

We sat there as we watched the sunset, our shoulders rubbing against each other. I looked at my watch, 7.30 pm.

"I've got to go, my bus is gonna be here soon." I told her as I stood up.

She helped me to the bus stop, since I had no idea where I was. Luckily I got there just before the bus pulled away, so I waved at Shannon and got on the bus.

I was on the bus playing my favorite tunes when my phone buzzed. I turned it around and turned it on to see Shannon had texted me.


You forgot your jacket.

I'll give it to Connor when I
see him next.

Don't worry about it, it'll be
an excuse to come and see
you soon.

I like how you think. I'll see you
around Lynch.

Since I didn't update yesterday, here is the second update of today. Hope you enjoy it, and if you do please vote!

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