Coming to say bye

Start from the beginning

I high fived Jade before we jogged back to our positions so the ball could keep rolling. "Good shoot J!" one of the girls called before the ball was back in play.

After a good 30 minutes, coach stopped the match, so we could have a short break before the second half started again.

I walked over to where the water bottles were with the girls as they chatted about the match. "We've got to keep closer together, at all moment." One of the girls said.

"I think it would be better if we kept together and compac when they attacked but opened back up when we're attacking, so it's more difficult for them to pressure if the pitch is bigger." I suggested.

"Okay yep, that sounds better. Good thinking J." She said before taking a sip of the water.

After we took the short break we got back in our positions and started playing the ball once again. The play was intense, but no goals were being scored.

"Jamie." Coach called me.

I looked over to see one of my teammates beside her waiting for me to come off. I jogged over to her, high fived my teammate before I walked over to have a drink.

As I came back, coach turned around to look at me. "Good match, Jamie, we'll talk after training is finished. Now you can either rest or do some exercise." She told me before looking back at the match.

I ended up deciding some upper body exercises would do me good after a hard training session for my lower body, so I got down and started doing 3 sets of 10 push ups.

After I finished that, I did 3 sets of 5 normal diamond push ups and 5 diamond push ups with my knees. I took a little rest after those burners before I did another 3 sets of 10 pushups, but with a soccer ball under one hand.

After I finished doing a body weight arm workout I did some planks, and some ab exercises. Since half the pitch was free I finished up the extra work by running laps around the half pitch. I ended up running around the half pitch for about 10 laps, meaning I ran about 2 kms.

After I finished that I sat down and just watched the last minutes of the match, which ended 1 - 0 thanks to my goal.

The whole team quickly drank some water before hurrying back to the center of the pitch. "Okay girls, great training today! Really proud of the work you guys put in, we'll do a match like this next month, but we'll do it on the full pitch and 11 v 11, no changes. The losing team, 15 push ups each." Coach demanded, making all our team smile.

"I'm gonna be honest with you Jamie, when Patrick first called me I was a bit skeptical about it, you being so young you know. But when you came the first day, I thought you got mixed up and were part of the U 19 because of the muscle, height and just all around body type. Then came training and there you just left me gobsmacked. I'd be dumb to tell you you were too young to play with us, so if you enjoyed it and want to be part of this you're more than welcome to join." Coach told me.

"I'd love to keep playing here, the level here is a lot higher compared with over in gort. I'd really like to thank you and all the team for welcoming me with open arms and making me feel at home." I told her.

"Oh no need to thank us, they stepped it up since you've come over, they've become more hungry seeing how hard you work for what you want." She said making me blush a bit. "Come on over we'll let the girls know we've got a new teammate." She told me, putting her arm around me.

"So she's in right?" One of the girls asked as they saw us approach.

"She has to be!" Another girl said.

"Girls relax, please. She's coming to say bye." Coach said, making all the girls' mouths drop. "I mean, she won't see you all until next tuesday."

"Yes!" The girls shouted before coming over and latching onto me.

As they let go of me, I went over and sat down beside Jade to take my boots off. "I was wondering if you wanted to stay over at my house for dinner today? Then we can hang out more now that you're my teammate." She told me making me smile.

"That sounds great. I'll just go and check it's okay with my mum." I told her before sprinting over to my mum's car.

"Can I stay at a friend's house for dinner, we're gonna hang out later." I explained.

"Sure, I talked to coach, she's gonna put me in the parents group chat, just in case." My mum said.

"I really like it here, it already feels like a team." I told my mum.

"I'm glad, now go over to your friends, text me whenever you need me to pick you up." My mum said as I sprinted back to Jade.

"So what's for dinner." I asked her, making her smile.

"I don't know, but I'll tell my dad to cook some pasta, pastas the best after training."

"100%, if I could have pasta everyday I would." I told her, making her giggle.

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