Chapter 0 : Shrouded in Mystery

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"Ugh..." A voice said. From the looks of it, it was female.

Our protagonist, however, didn't need to worry about that as of now. His memories were blurry, he couldn't remember anything. Then, it hit him. His name is Izuku Midoriya. With "Deku", as a nickname. Deku? Wasn't that given to him as a way to call him useless? He shrugged it off. He tried to remember more, but everything was dark.

"Anyone there?" He called out.

"Ah! Yeah! I didn't think anyone else was in here with me."

Soon after that sentence, he fell. Where did he fall? Onto the ground. From a locker.


"Hey there, are you okay? Sorry about that, I didn't think you would fall. Do you need help?"

"Ah, no, I'm fine." he gets up, "I'm Midoriya Izuku, you can call me Deku. Who might you be?" The Japanese boy was fascinated by his name. He felt the urge to write this all down. Why did he want to? No one knew.

"I'm Kendo Itsuka, nice to meet you, Deku."

The two talked while Kendo went around the room to look for things. She found 3 coins, they all had some sort of heterochromatic animal on them. The two couldn't figure out what it was.

"Good morning everybody! Please report to the gym for an announcement!"

"We should probably get going then." The female said.


The duo left the small room, trying to find their way to the gym.

On their way there, the pair met a strange girl with vines as hair. Maybe she knew the way to the gym.

?: Hello there.

Kendo: Hi! By any chance, do you know where the gym is?

?: No. I am also trying to find my way there.

Kendo: Oh, would you like to walk with us?

?: No thank you, I can do just fine on my own.

Kendo: Oh. Well, I'm Kendo Itsuka, and this is Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you.

?: My name is Shiozaki Ibara. It is nice to meet you, too.

Kendo: Well, we'd better get going, thank you!

Shiozaki: Goodbye.

After wandering for a bit, they reached the gym entrance. Inside, both were amazed to find around 40 students waiting in the gym.

"Hello Hello! Welcome to the Ultimate Academy! U.A. for short! I am your headmaster, Monokuma!" (A/N: yes I know very original)

"Psh? That thing? Our headmaster? As if!"

A whisper was heard in the crowd. A few heads turned towards Izuku and Itsuka, but most of them were pointed towards this praying mantis guy.

"Oh but I am your headmaster! Do you know why I brought all 40 of you here?"

A lot of no's passed through the crowd.

"Because this is a killing game!"

A lot of people had scared reactions, but a few were either happy or didn't care. Some didn't believe the small bear, either.

"And how do we know you're not lying?" A blonde with red eyes spoke.

"Just wait and see! You all have been given a Student Handbook, to check out the rules of this game! Every exit is blocked off, so don't even try to leave!"

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