Chapter 1: Forgetfulness in Waiting - Trial

87 1 2

Protagonist: ×

Support: +

Antagonist: ÷

Participants: *

Monokuma: !

The class trial opens up a broader horizon for keys to form. Here are the basic elements of how a class trial would be run in this fic.


CONSENT: Italicized

Kendo and/or Midoriya either consenting or countering a claim in either bold or italics will be underlined
A truth bulletin will also be bolded whenever rechecking the notes.



After the announcement for a class trial, the five of us, Midoriya, Honenuki, Sero, Uraraka and I head towards the Monokuma statue in the entrance hall where everyone met the first time.
Despite the obvious overcrowding with the 40 or so people, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Someone was missing. It was obviously Mineta, but it still didn't strike me the right way.

I washed out the conversation that played in the background as Monokuma popped up and lead us all into an inconspicuous elevator that opened once he pressed a button on the statue.

I couldn't help but keep to myself in the crowded elevator's way down.


"Kendo, um, can I share my notes with you? I think we should look over it one more time before we go down..."


Midoriya snapped me out of my irregular trance, and I turned to respond.

"Oh- of course! Here, let me take a look..."


There seem to be barefoot prints that stepped in the water which was collateral from the drowning of Mineta. It seems that the killer must have been barefoot during the incident.
Whoever had killed Mineta, had made a mess. The killer would have been soaked in water.
The sink had been plugged and used to drown Mineta. The killer must have at least spent that much time preparing the water.
The Monokuma File claims that Mineta died around 4:30 pm. Otherwise, there's not much other information.
Kaibara said that Ojiro had immediately run to find him and Honenuki. There would have been no time for anyone to tamper with the scene.
After Sero had wrestled Mineta away from the girls, he claimed to have spent an hour or so watching over Mineta. However, the latter had escaped his eye. Sero and Ojiro tracked him down together.

"Wow, you're really thorough with your clues..."


"Oh! Haha...I tend to think a lot so I usually put them into words to not bother other people about it..."


"This is really great Midoriya, thanks for putting it together while I was out..."


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