b e g i n n i n g

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I decided to write these letters to you so some day you can look back on them and we can laugh about them together. There is also some things you should know that I can't bring myself to tell you. Maybe reading them will ease the feeling I get when I try to tell you? Never the less, lets hope I don't forget to write these whenever something big happens! 

Let's start with a few weeks ago: 

We had just gotten our letters to Hogwarts! The look on your face when mum handed them to you! You asked if they were fake like our whole bloody family hasn't gone to the school! Don't let mum read these and see that I wrote "bloody"! I will kill you if you do, Fred. 

"Of course they are real, Fred!" mum had said. "Now open them!" I ripped mine open and you mimicked the same thing. I read the letter quickly but you slowly read it. Like you were absorbing each word. 

"When will we go?" you asked. "To Diagon Alley!" 

"Fred, wants to use all the money we have on the shopping! Come on Fred aren't you excited to actually go to the school?! Not just the robes you have to wear?" I had asked you. 

You punched me in the arm (which hurt) and then begged mum to take us.

"First," she had demanded. "Eat your breakfast!" You slid into your seat and started gobbling up the food on the plate. By the time I sat down, you were shoving the last of it in your mouth.

"Hurry up, George!" you shouted. 

"Let me eat in peace!" I had shouted back. You sat over me, staring me down as I ate my breakfast. Once I had finished, you grabbed me and pushed me in the car.

"Did I act like that?" I heard Percy ask Charlie.

"No, but just as annoying," I heard Charlie giggle. Percy turned a deep red and you threw me in the car. 

At this point, you're probably bored. So, I will skip to the day we left for Hogwarts. We had done our shopping and were walking down the slick platforms of Kings Cross.

"Bye mum," Percy pecked mum on the cheek and then ran at full speed with his over flowing cart into a stone wall.

"Is he dumb?" you whispered to me. 

"Shush! Watch!" mum interrupted. Percy dissolved into the wall and was gone.

"Wicked," you murmured. 

"Where'd he go?" I asked. 

"To the train! Now come on!" mum instructed. She showed us the wall in between platforms nine and ten and that the platform we need to get to, was in between them. "Platform 9 3/4. Now go! Don't be scared!" she ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek then did the same to you.

"I'm going first!" You exclaimed proudly. 

"Bye Fred and George!" mum called out. I cringed at that. Fred and George. I let the thought leave my head and watched you disappear into the wall. I waved at mum and then followed behind you. I went right through the wall and was faced with a scarlet, rumbling, long train. 

"Look at it, George!" you said, breathless.

"Woah," is all I responded. You ran into the crowd of people and left me by myself. "Wait Fred-" I started and then sighed. I made my way through the crowds of people and bumped into another ginger.

"Watch where you're going there bud," I heard. I looked up and saw Charlie. He winked. "Aren't you supposed to be with Fred? You guys are a pair. You need to stay together." He lead me onto the velvet train. We found you in an empty compartment right as the train jerked forward. I fell and landed on the walkway. Hard. 

"George! I know it's cool but tripping over the view isn't necessary," you cried.

"It was an accident, relax," I groaned, getting up. 

"Well," Charlie had said. "You guys seem snug so I'm going to find my friends. Don't forget to change into your robes before we get there." Charlie left our room and continued down the path. 

"This is going to be so cool," you said. 

I mumbled a yes, watching the rolling landscape fly by.

"What house do you want to be in?" you asked.

"I think it's obvious were going to go to Gryffindor."

"You're no fun," you huffed. "You're going to Slytherin."

"Take that back!" I demanded. You were being so frustrating.

"Mean people go to Slytherin, Georgie," you explained.

"Not all mean people," I rolled my eyes.

"Yes they do!" You argued.

"Then you're definitely going to Slytherin," I laughed. You laughed back and turned to the window.

"Wait-" you said, just catching onto what I said. "Hey!" 

I laughed as you pouted. "Don't worry, Freddie. This is going to be great."

A sudden voice came from the hall. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" 

"Sweets!" we yelled at the same time. We both pulled out some coins we had been saving and paid the old women. We stuffed ourselves with chocolate frogs and debated about who received the better cards. Yes, this is going to be great. 



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