6. 💞Soft Kisses💞

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We walk into our house as I set my jacket on a small table nearby.

"Oh...um...I sleep...alone" said Kuroo stumbling on his words.

"It's okay, I can sleep on a plain mattress on the floor," I say trying to assure him the comfort he deserves since he's in his own house.

"No, absolutely not. If anyone's sleeping on the floor it's me. If I remember correctly, I used to sleep in this bed with my mom when she was sick. So, I bet we can both fit, right?" He said trying to make it not seem as if he's desperate to sleep next to me. I was flattered but didn't know how to react.

"Okay then...we'll sleep in the same bed," I say grabbing my Nintendo and sitting on his bed getting comfy in the soft pillows. I arranged the light so that my eyes wouldn't burn from the bright screen of the Nintendo and began getting lost in my game.

"I'll go take a quick shower, you'll stay here, yeah?" He said getting a few towels and looking at me to make sure I got his question.

"Huh? Uh, yeah.." I say, annoyed that someone interrupted my game.

"Alright then.." he said and went in the shower.

After a few long minutes of trying to pass a very hard boss, I get bored with my game and start to look around his house.

Everything was placed nicely even though he is very disorganized at school. I walk around more and eventually get the courage to go out of his room and explore his house. I go down the stairs, which were accompanied by big paintings of his family on the wall. One of them consisted of all of the family. His bright and happy mother sitting on the left, her right hand on Kuroo's shoulder as he was sitting in front of her on his knees smiling like the happy 8-year old that he was. Next to the mother sat his tall and kind looking father, who was smiling softly to the camera. And in front of the dad was what seemed like his older sister, who had long black hair tied with a pink bow.

I hear the water stop and rush back upstairs, grabbing my Nintendo and continue to play as if nothing had happened. He walks out with a towel falling gently on his shoulders. "I see you're still playing games??" he asks with a touch of annoyance in his voice.

"I, uh...yes, I had nothing better to do..." I say looking back into my game and retrying once more that damn boss.

He sits down next to me turning on the tv. After some time, it seems as if he got bored so he got closer to me and looked down at what I was playing. I wasn't used to people looking at what I play, and I started to fail accidentally. 

"Damn, is it that hard??" he asks, amazed that I survived that far into the game. 

"Yeah, do you want to try it?" I say as half of me wanted to see him fail, and the other just wanted to give my fingers a break.

He nods and I hand him the Nintendo showing him quickly what each button does. He nods again and I press start. To my surprise, he survived pretty far. Until he died.

"Arghhh I was sure I could beat him! I was like, right there!!" he said in frustration, then looked at me with a smirk.

"What?" I say in between giggles as his face seemed funny to me.

"I survived more than you~," he says then winks. I blush and cover his statement saying it's just beginner's luck.

"Orrr maybe I'm just that good!" he says, showering himself in pride.

"Ehh, still think it's beginner's luck," I say again giggling afterward.

"Alright...You're the boss," he says then closes the game with a happy sigh.

"Say, wanna watch a movie?" he asks and I sit up straight with my legs crossed between each other.

"Sure, but you choose the genre and movie, I don't wanna force you into something you don't like," I reply and cross my fingers behind my back in hopes for no horror movies.

"Really? Aww, you're so kind! Then, how about one of my long classics, a horror movie?" he says and my happy face drops instantly.

"Uh...I'm....sure!!" I say and feel sweatdrops fall down my cheeks as I tremble in fear of what awaits me.

"You sound unsure, are you completely okay with this?" he asks again and I nod intensely.

"if you say so," he continues and plays one of the scariest movies of my life.

I snuggle close to him, quickly finding his hand so I have what to hold tight when I'm too scared. A scary scene comes in when a white-dressed girl with long classic black hair, walks slowly on a hardly lit hall. A moment of silence came as my heart stopped when the jumpscare came. I tightened his hand as Kuroo realizes something was wrong and looks at me with a pitiful face.

"Hey, you okay?" he asks raising his hand, which was tied around mine, out of the blankets as he rubs my palm gently with his thumb immediately calming me down. I let out a shaky sigh and nod.

"yeah, I'm fine.." I say with a shaky exhale following it.

"If you're not into these kinds of movies I can always switch to something else!" he says with a confident voice picking up the remote.

"No, no its fine, just...hold..me...please," I say slightly ashamed of my words.

"O-okay.." he says grabbing my waist gently and turning on the movie again as I cuddle deeper into his soft neck.























His gentle hand caresses my back as I get sleepier and sleepier...how does he do that..? 

Eventually I fall asleep..

A/N: uhh god, sorry for the short hiatus I was on lmao, I was caught up with the New Years and slept a lot forgetting about these stories- But here is the next chapter! 

(I'm trying to figure out how to continue my Hanako x Reader fan fic lmao-)

1027 words

Cuts - Kuroo x Kenma angstWhere stories live. Discover now