Passionate Contradictions

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Word Count- 2386


With the skies darkening, the formation of heavy clouds was making it more darker. Some people had smiles clinging on their faces while some of them muttered a few curses making an unpleasant face. With the innumerable number of vehicles, Delhi looked like a total mess accompanied by light fog.

"How dare you cheat me, Abhinav? How dare?" The woman tightened her grip on the man's collar as she pulled the man closer within that hold...

With her nose flaring out, all she could express was her anger which was being injected into her. The fierce look made the man contemplate without breaking the contact. The anger was building in her veins as she looked at him.

"Why did you cheat me when you knew every minute detail of mine? You are just..." She felt her eyes blink, her lips shiver and her mouth stop as something washed her off. Soon, she heard a loud shout of 'CUT IT'.

She removed the grip and the person who stood from the director's chair shouted," Maya, you aren't concentrating. We have many scenes to...! "

"How do you expect me to work when I am shooting continuously? Am I a machine?" Maya snapped at the director and looked at him angrily. She couldn't take it anymore and as a result, she started walking towards her vanity.

As her assistant followed her, Maya walked slowly without turning back. She gestured an open palm behind her asking her to halt.

As she entered the vanity van, she slammed the door shut. She heard the director announcing a 'BREAK'. A few of the cast just flinched while others muttered 'Attitude' and 'Rude' under their breaths outside the van. The director slumped on the chair after he got a message from one of the contacts which were saved as 'Maya Jaisingh'. It read '10 minutes'.

The vanity was almost like a mini-bedroom which had even facilities to sleep if needed.

As she kept the phone on the table, she settled herself on the couch as she soothed her temple with her fingers. It helped her to an extent but she couldn't help herself with that only. Grabbing a cup, she set up a kettle filled with a mug of water. Switching the plug on, she picked up a zip-lock that had coffee powder sachets.

Moving towards her right, she contemplated for a few minutes. Stretching her hand to open the cabinet, her hand remained there for a while until she heard the kettle going off. She pulled the cabinet but it was locked. Rubbing her throat, she looked down and closed her eyes.

With different voices battling inside her mind, she took a small key from the spoon stand and opened the cabinet. Taking a zip-lock of white sachets, she opened it. 

Tearing the sachet with her teeth between the soft yet dark-shaded lips, she emptied the contents into the mug which was prepared with water. Stirring it, the translucent liquid turned into a light brown coloured fluid.

As she drank it, she closed her eyes and arched her neck backwards. A small grin appeared on her face. With her lower back resting against the counter, she felt that she was being controlled. As she walked with the cup towards her bag, she settled on the couch. Taking the earphones out, she saw a brown crafty, handmade diary.

Picking it up, she drank the coffee to control her senses when she felt herself getting teary. Opening the diary with one hand, the hold on the coffee cup tightened. 


Picking up a brown diary, he opened the diary to find the name of the owner but nothing of that sort happened. Turning the pages, all he saw was a whole lot of Maya Jaisingh's pictures.

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