"Hi," Suga brightly greeted you, "Y/N. We need your opinion on something important."

 Asahi sighed defeatedly, so clearly this had something to do with what the boys were laughing about earlier. You raised an eyebrow up curiously.

 "Shoot," you prompted Suga. 

 "And of course you guys have to drag my girlfriend, the one person in this world who doesn't think I'm fifty, into this so you can ruin that for me too," Asahi sighed weakly. Daichi started laughing. 

 "Okay, okay," Suga managed in between sniggers, "So you know how we have that tournament with Nekoma High coming up?"

 "I am aware, yes," you smiled cautiously. 

 "So then don't you think that when they see Asahi, they're gonna think he's some drug dealer who's been held back so many years?" Suga blurted out. Your eyes widened and you had to put in as much effort as you could to keep from laughing. You knew Asahi was very sensitive, so he didn't need to hear the same mockery from you.

 "I - Suga," you didn't want to laugh which meant you had to pace your speech, "I think that was - somewhat - uncalled for, okay? I don't know where you guys get this stuff from, but Asahi over here is perfect." You used your index finger to enunciate your speech. Asahi looked down at you shyly, and you could see him getting flustered. 

 "Really?" he asked quietly. You looked up at him.

 "Hey, you think I'd lie to you?" you teased.

 "What? No! I don't think that. It's just - that's really sweet of you," he smiled lovingly at you.

 "Well, believe it. Cause it's true," at that moment, the door to the gym slammed open. Tanaka strutted in overly dramatically. Everyone watched intently as the black skirt hanging at his waist swung this way and that. Tanaka was wearing a black skirt. Well, you see something new everyday (that wasn't the exact idiom but you get the point). He walked towards you, Asahi, Suga and Daichi. 

 "Hey there, lovebirds," he waggled his fingers at you and Asahi. You reciprocated his actions. "Daichi. Sugawara. What's going on, my people?" he placed his arm on Suga's shoulder, jutting his hips outwards. 

 "Um, these two are bullying my Asahi, but what's your deal?" you pointed to the black skirt Tanaka was donning proudly. 

 "Oh, this old thing?" he fluttered his eyelashes, "You know, just wanted to strut my stuff."

 "You lost a bet to Kiyoko," Daichi proposed.

 "I lost a bet to Kiyoko," Tanaka admitted with shame in his voice, "But, anyway, about bullying Asahi?" 

 "Yeah, you know, nothing new," you shook your head.

 "Tell me more," Tanaka urged you.

 "Well, these two said Asahi looks like a drug dealer who's been held back, and then I told them Asahi is perfect and I love him," you briefly laid out what had happened. Wait. Ugh. Everyone went silent and wide eyed.

 "You said what?" Suga asked.

 "You did not say that, that's for sure," Daichi said.

 "This was not what I intended to do," Tanaka mentioned.

 "I said he's perfect. That's all I said," you didn't want to complicate things.

 "I'm afraid it's not that easy, Y/N," Suga shook his head.

 "Okay. Okay," you thought for a second before continuing, "Um. Asahi," you turned to Asahi.

 "Uh huh," he was speechless.

 "I'm sorry. I know you have a tournament coming up. I shouldn't have sprung that on you," you held both of his hands. He just stood there.

 "I love you too," he uttered timidly. You smiled widely. 

 "What?" you couldn't believe it. 

 "See, now, that, I intended to do!" Tanaka yelled. 

 "I love you too, Y/N," Asahi repeated more confidently this time. Suga and Daichi watched. 

 "Asahi!" you attacked him with a tight hug. He instantly hugged you back, wrapping you in his safe warmth. "I love you so much," you quietly spoke into his chest. You felt him kiss the top of your head.

 "Okay, guys, pack it up," Tanaka said in a teary voice. 

 "Are you crying, Tanaka?" Daichi asked.

 "I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING!" Tanaka aggressively shouted. Suga laughed. You couldn't be happier with Asahi. 

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