Chapter Nineteen, Empire Day

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One beautiful morning on Lothal, Kanan woke up and started to head out to the Lothal fields to train with Ezra. But when he got there, he found a Lothalcat meowing at him.

"Do you want me to follow you?.."

The Lothalcat meowed before running off, causing the older man to follow it to a distant graveyard. Kanan was surprised to find not only Ezra there but also a young girl just about Sabine's age. Ezra was crying silently while the young girl comforted him by wrapping her arms around the kid, bringing him into a consoling hug. Kanan steps towards the two, causing Ezra to flinch and turn around.

"Oh... Hey, Master..."

"You okay?... You weren't at training today..."

The young girl steps towards Kanan, realizing who he is. "Oh! You must be Kanan, my old friend from the temple! My little adoption brother has told me so very much about you!..."

Kanan is confused about how this girl knows him but remembers stories about Sara bridger, and the letters she and Ezra used to write to each other after he met him and the crew. "Oh, now I remember! You must be Sara Bridger, Ezra's adopted sister!..."

The two of them shake each other's hands, happy to see each other after so long. "So, what brings you to Lothal on Empire Day?..."

Sara starts to open her mouth to explain, but Ezra beats her to it. "Sara, wait... I'll tell him... If I'm gonna be a Jedi Knight one day, I've to learn to be honest with others about my feelings..."

Sara nods as she allows Kanan to sit next to Ezra. The boy sighs before explaining his problem. "Today isn't just Empire day or the anniversary of when my adoptive parents were killed... It's also the day I was born!..."

Kanan watched as his student struggled with his tears, knowing that Ezra is still feeling betrayed by Mark from five years ago. Sara speaks up, revealing her part of the story on the day Ezra was born. "Obi-wan didn't give many details about what happened to Ezra's parents, he just told me to keep Ezra safe..."

Ezra places a comforting hand on Sara, knowing it wasn't her fault. "You did your best Sara, it wasn't your fault Mark double-crossed us!..."

Kanan looked at Ezra's family locket around his neck, which the kid never took off. He knew the kid lost his real parents when he was just an infant, but he didn't know how old he was when his adoptive parents were killed. "How... How old were you when you lost your adoptive parents?..."

Ezra looks at the ground sadly, remembering the horrible night that his foster parents were killed on Mark's orders, without the three of them knowing. "I was just seven years old... When I was nine, the three of us wanted to make our Jedi dream come true so you could live in peace from losing your master!..."

Kanan is shocked by Ezra's confession as Sara finishes the story for him. "Mark thought it was a way too risky idea, especially his anger for his master and parents binding him. So, Ezra did the logical thing... The kid did some old jobs working at bars alone for enough credits to buy a ship for us to leave the system and didn't tell Mark, or anyone!... However, Mark betrayed us by lighting our old hideout on fire betraying us for the second time!... he destroyed our ship, causing our bond as a family to be destroyed!... We barely made it out of there in one piece!... Your student and I never spoke again after we parted ways after that!... Until you and crew showed up on Lothal!...

Before Kanan could answer any further, Ezra's comlink beeps causing the kid to pick it up and answer it. "Specter Six, what is it?..."

"Uh, kid... It's Specter Five...! I need you and Specter One to meet up with me and the others in the Ghost! There's someone who needs to see you!..."

"Okay, just sit tight we're on our way!... (TURNS TO SARA AND KANAN.) We gotta move! Sabine says there is someone who wants to see me!..."

Sara nods before running after Kanan and Ezra. Later on the Ghost, Sabine explained who wanted to see Ezra. She stepped out of the way to reveal a Rodian crying, who Ezra immediately recognized and steps towards him. "Tseebo. Tseebo. It's me; your adoptive friend, Ezra Skywalker!..."

The Rodian immediately recognizes the boy, much to Kanan's confusion. The Empire had been hunting this Rodian for weeks, but they didn't know why. "Wait, that's the Rodian the Imperials have been hunting for weeks, you know him?..."

"His name is Tseebo, a friend of my foster parents!... But, what is he trying to say?..."

Zeb is unsure of whenever or not to tell the kid, but Sabine beats him to it. "He's saying... He says he knows a clue as to why Ashoka thought your real Father was dead!..."

Both Sara, Kanan and Ezra are shocked to hear that! "Wait, what?!..."

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