"So, what's the trailer really for?"

"I live there."

"You live there? In that trailer? You're the chief of surgery," you reply in shock. He makes at least 2 million a year why does he live in that tiny thing.

"Yes, I'm the chief of surgery. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Don't you make a lot of money, why live here?"

"I like it out here, I like being surrounded by nature. I don't need a big house to be happy."

You stare at each other. He walks over to you and grabs your hand, he pulls you in the direction of his trailer.

"Come on, let's go inside. You'll love it!" He grins at you. He starts to run, pulling you with him. He's like a little boy showing off his favorite toys to his parents, you laugh.

You both arrive at the trailer, he opens the door to show a small, cozy looking space. It feels warm and homey, something about it was just... right. You look around to see medical and fishing journals on the table. He really was a man of the outdoors.

"So, you like to fish?" His hand was still wrapped around your hand. His fingers entangled between yours. You look down at it, but don't pull away.

He looks up at you and said, "Yeah, it's even better that I live near a lake." He points out the window of the trailer to a small stream outside. "I love to catch fish there, especially in the morning."

"Fish for breakfast? Is it even good that early in the morning."

"Fish is good any time of day. Speaking of meals, what do you want to eat?"

You forget that you're actually on a date, and not just visiting his trailer. "Uhhh I'm fine with anything."

"Okay then I guess it'll just have to be a surprise."

"First you kidnap me, now you might put posing in my food. Wow, what a gentleman," you say laughing.

"Let's pray you make it of here alive," he laughs. He lets go of your hand to grab pots from his drawers. Who knew a tiny trailer could hold so many cooking supplies.

"I'm guessing that you like to cook too," you say as you point to the many pots, pans, and equipment he had stored everywhere.

"Yeah, it's a hobby I picked up, living out here with no restaurants for miles."

You pull out a chair and sit down at the table, watching as he started to boil water. "How long have you been living out here?"

"Oh just a few years, maybe like 4 or 5, whenever I first moved to Seattle."

"So you've been out here alone for 5 years? No friends, no family?"

"No, it's just me. I mean I have Mark who was always a brother to me, but I usually just see him at the hospital. Now that I'm chief, I don't have much time for other activities."

He's talking about sex now isn't he. Of course he is, that's all men talk about. He just told me he's been celibate for years. Wow, no wonder he brought me over.

The water comes to a boil and he pours the pasta in, on the other side of the counter he started seasoning a slab of steak.

"So, tell me about yourself Y/N. Why did you move to Seattle?"

"Well for this job honestly, I had a great job in Boston, but I was only an general surgery attending, not the chief of my specialty."

"Oh come on, no one goes across the country just for the job, there had to be a reason." He takes out a pan and begins to cook the steak.

"Well, why'd you come to Seattle 5 years ago?"

"I asked you first."

"Fine. I just needed a break from everyone and everything. I needed a fresh start somewhere where no one knew who I was. I mean they might've known my name, but not who I really was. That answer your question?"

"It's good enough for now. I'll be finding out the real reason soon enough though."

"I told you the real reason," you smirk at him. "How about you? Answer my question."

"Well, I left New York because my ex girlfriend was cheating on me. I didn't really have much else to do there, and Seattle had an opening for the chief of neurosurgery. I decided that this was my chance to get a fresh start, come to a new city, maybe meet someone new." He flips the steak over to cook the other side.

He looks at you again. He comes closer towards you and grabs your hand. He lifts you up from the chair and put his hands around your waist. His hands move down to your ass as he lifts you up, onto the table. His face is so close to yours, your lips almost touching. He whispers, "Maybe you could be that someone new."

He leans in, but before your lips meet, the pot full of pasta boils over.

"Shit!" he yells, leaving you stunned and laughing. He forgot about the food.

He goes over to close the flames on each of the stove tops and put the food on the plate. You sit back down in the chair. He comes to the table, and places the meal in front of you.

"Dinner's ready," he laughs.

i definitely described things wrong so ignore that. thanks for all the reads so far!

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