Into the Woods

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You check your watch again, it still says 8:30. Where is he. I know he's the chief and all, but he didn't even go into surgery today.

You remember a young intern coming up to Chief Shepherd as you walked into the pit together. The intern had pointed him towards the camera crew waiting for him to give a statement. He had looked annoyed and said goodbye to you.

That was close to 8 hours ago. You had been in surgery all day, your first day and you had actually managed to not get lost. Maybe that tour was helpful.

You look down at your watch again, 8:33 it reads. You sigh, it was a tiring first day, you hadn't expected a huge trauma to come through. Where is he.

"Dr. Y/L/N, ready to go?" you hear a voice in the distance call.

"Chief Shepherd, nice to see that you survived the day. Those cameras and reporters looked fun" you reply back.

He steps closer to you and you start to walk out together. "Well, I'd have rather be in surgery. How was your first day?"

You walk into the parking lot and he opens the passenger door to his car. It was a grey Mercedes Benz. It suited him. You sit down on the leather seats and he closes your door. He chuckles, opens the drivers side door and sits down. He closes the door, puts the key in ignition, and starts driving.

"Where are we going?" you ask.

"You'll see when we get there."

"Oh, so you're kidnapping me now?" you laugh.

"Yes, and I'm taking you away to be locked in my house forever."

"So we're going to your house then?"

"I never said that." He looks at you, annoyed that he had given his secret date location away.

You'd been driving for close to an hour, he'd turned on his favorite music. Ew, The Clash, I can't listen to this type of music, it hurts my ears.

"I'd have never expected for you to be fan of The Clash," you say, starting another conversation.

"Oh really, what would you have expected to listen to then?"

"I don't know... maybe something a little a little quieter?"

"Do you not like to?"

"It's not really my type of music."

"Huh." He turns the volume up, knowing he's getting on your nerves.


"What? Oh look, we're almost here," he says as he turns onto a rough path that leads into the woods.

"Where is here exactly? All I see are trees."

He drives out to a small clearing, only a trailer in sight.

"So you weren't lying about wanting to keep me all to yourself," you say laughing. "You bring me out into the middle of nowhere knowing I don't have a car to leave with, and then you show me this tiny trailer where I'm going to live out the rest of my life."

"How'd you figure out my plan?" he replies laughing.

"It was a pretty obvious plan Chief."

"We're on a date, you can call me Derek, Y/N."

"Okay then Derek, what are we actually doing here?"

"This is our date."

"In the middle of nowhere?"

"Yes, in the middle of nowhere. Come on, let's get out."

You open the door and step out into the fresh air. He steps out too and walks towards you.

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