"What's should we do?" Momo asked nervously, looking at the three around her. "What a load of nonsense" Izuku said before levitating in the the air.

He flew to the top of the emergency exit in the cafeteria and send a small wave of air at the crowd in front of him to get their attention.

Noticing he had the undivided attention of the entirety of U.A he spoke "what the hell are you all doing? You are supposed to be students of the prestigious U.A. If you had taken the time to look around you, you all would have noticed that it was the media who broke in, not some weak villain. You all should be ashamed of yourselves"

While his words were calm, his expression was anything but. He exhibited a presence demanding obedience. "Now, go back to your classes in an orderly fashion and guide those who were injured in this little panic attack to the infirmary" seeing as no one was moving he let out a pressure which shattered the windows.

"Now!" He demanded. The students obeyed, some took the injured to the infirmary. Izuku floated down to the group of three looking at him with amazement and shock. Shock because this was the first time they have seen Izuku yell. Even for Yui this was a first.

"You okay?" She asked. Izuku nodded. "How did you know it was the media and not some villain?" Momo asked. "I sensed the energy of the life forms near the gate when the warning was given, their energy level was to underdeveloped and weak to be villains. And Aizawa Sensei and present mic were also their" he shrugged. "You are full of mysteries Uzumaki" Shoto said, passing by Izuku and heading to class.

"Now, I know you all have some questions but rest assured, as Midoriya announced in the cafeteria, it was indeed the media who had broken in" he said shuting up anyone who was about to ask questions related to that. "Midoriya, you handled the situation perfectly" he praised. Izuku nodded and said nothing further.

"Now, we are going to be doing something special"

Is it going to be a hero related activity?, The class collectively thought. "You guys have to pick a class president along with a vice president" he said with a shit eating grin.

A normal school activity!, Some of the students of 1-A thought.

"Decide on how to vote amongst yourself. Wake me up when you are done" he said dismissively, crawling in to his yellow sleeping bag.

"How should we do this then?" Jirou asked. "Pick me! Pick me!" Ashido yelled. "No me! I will charge your phones! Free of charge!" Kaminari bribed. "Of course it's gonna be me! You all are extras!" Katsuki degraded.
"My first order as the class president would be for the girl's skirt to be short enough so thei-" he was cut of by Tsu slapping him with his tongue while the others looking at him with disgust.

"Everyone!" Iida yelled standing up from his seat. Gaining everyone's attention. "We should decide our class president in an orderly manner. We should not yell at others and demand them to make ourselves presidents!" He said. "You say that but your hand is raised the highest" kirishima pointed out while kaminari snickered besides him. Indeed, Iida's hand was raised the highest.

"I suggest we do it in a democratic fashion like votes" he suggested, ignoring the fact that kirishima was right. "Are you okay with that se sensei?" He asked. Shouta popped his hand from the sleeping bag and gave a thumbs up.

"Yaoyorozu, could you make a box?" Iida asked. Momo nodded and made a box. "But won't everyone vote for themselves? Kero" Tsu asked. "Then just ban voting for yourselves. How ridiculous" Izuku grumbled. Iida fixed his glasses "I suppose that is fine"

Everyone wrote their votes in. Kirishima woke Aizawa since all of their votes had been corrected. Aizawa wrote the votes on the board so it would be visible to the whole class.

Izuku 10 votes
Momo 6 votes
Yui 3 votes
Iida 1 vote

"I expected this, even though I suggested this system" Iida sulked. "Who the hell voted for you?" Yui nudged him. "I do not know" Izuku replied.

"Izuku and Momo, please come up front" Aizawa called the two. Izuku and Momo walked ahead.

"Izuku is the class president and Momo is the vice president. Any complaints?" "I object!" Katsuki and mineta yelled.

"Good. Let's move on" Aizawa ignored the two. "I can get behind Uzubro" "yeah! He is really strong!" Kaminari prasied. "And hot" Mina drooled thinking of Izuku while kirishima and kaminari looked at her weirdly.

"Moving on" Aizawa started the next lesson.

How the hell did I get stuck as the class president, Izuku groaned

Word Count: 1373

I am back from the dead! This chapter was filler and really rushed. I mean really!

Next chapter will be the U.S.J intro

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote!

Peace Out!

Pain (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin