Chapter 23 ~ Fear

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"Who is more important to you, Sasuke? [Name] or Hinata?"

 "[Name],-" Naruto approached me and made me look him in his incredible blue eyes. "You just don't want to hear his answer, do you?"


Over and over

I tried

Over and over

you lied

Over and over

I cried

and I don't know why. . .


"I-I," I stammered, tears slowly wetting my cheeks. I was crying, crying in front of her​. But why? Naruto, why do you always have to hit the mark!?

"[Name]," he mumbled and I glared at the asphalt, my fists clenched, boiling from anger. I am angry, but mainly with myself. 

"Leave me alone!" I hissed bitterly and started to walk away. 

"Wait!" The blonde cried out after me, but I just turn around and shoot h a death glare. He immediately stopped and I watched Sasuke's expression changing completely. He didn't even look me in the eyes. What a coward.

Soon I was out of sight and collapsed onto the ground. The tears now flowing like waterfalls, but still, there was this mad smile on my lips. Laughing like a maniac I imaged my dreams.

"How could I be so stupid?" I laughed silently at myself and shook my head, my loose hair swirling around. 

So, in the end I was nothing more than a child, a coward, I was being just myself. Sasuke... I know the look you were giving her, it was the same look you gave me once, but. . . there's nothing left for me. 

She took it all, everything.

"And probably she doesn't even want it." I muttered and stood up walking further. I mustn't look back, too much pain.

Naruto was right, hearing his answer, it would have killed me. Maybe he never felt anything towards me. He just tried to get over her, after all it was always he told about Hinata.

I should have never interfered with such a strong bond, but I was blinded. Blinded by the light of hope, a mere illusion.

Is it so wrong to want love?

Everybody, human, animal even plants, they all need love, somebody who cares for them. Then why... why am I losing?

How could she steal me Sasuke away in a matter of seconds? 

I should stop to think about him...

Because, whenever an image of him appears in my head, I stretch my hand out trying to reach it, but fail due to it is already taken...

"Sasuke, I hate you!" I whispered to myself as I scratched the heart in the tree.

S + [first letter]

"[Name], look!" the onyx eyed boy exclaimed pointing to a big sakura tree. He dragged me to the trunk and I just chuckled at his rather childish behavior.

"Wow, a tree!" I say sarcastically and he glared at me. 

"It'll be our tree..." He announced and scratched the first letters of our names into the wood.

"Our tree you say?" 

Then why is there also this?

S + H​

We are done....

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