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You called up your mother as quickly as you could, explaining your situation as you packed. She listened carefully, letting you speak. When you were finished, she agreed to let Scotch stay with her until you came back. You thanked her over and over, hanging up soon after.

"Fuck.. How am I supposed to get this shit all done now?" You asked yourself aloud, Scotch sauntering over as you got up and pulled a suitcase with wheels out of your closet. You wiped dust off of it, sneezing loudly as some of the little flakes got in your nose. Ick.

It took an hour, but you were confident you had packed everything you needed.  This included a gracious amount of clothes, including spares, self hygienic items, all of your extra money, a pair of sunglasses to look cool, and snacks. Perfect.

You left the spare key to your house underneath a potted plant on the porch for your mother to get Scotch and rushed into the car. You piled your bags in the backseat and started up the engine, looking at the address Dream had sent you and putting it into your GPS. He lived roughly two hours from you; not as far as you'd thought.

Turning on the radio, you pulled into the street and began your journey. The afternoon Florida sun shone down brightly, and definitely blinded you in the angles that weren't blocked by your sun shader. As much as you hated driving with the bright sun out, you loved the feel of this lone, little roadtrip.

It was what came after that bothered you.

You don't know  Dream.

You've barely talked to him before. You were just 'Sap's one friend' as far as he was concerned. What if he doesn't like you? Or your personalities clash? Or would it be better that you're getting to know him in person first?

This entire thing just riddled you with anxiety- You didn't even know what you would say to him. If anything, Dream bewilders you. He has so many people that admire him, and for good reasons. He's nice, funny, smart. Not that you're not any of those things either, but it feels more you're like meeting some huge celebrity more than a friend of a friend.

Not to mention the face reveal.

You honestly didn't have any expectations you thought he'd look like. He's just a normal person, just like you and everyone else. You thought you remembered Sap saying that he was a blondie, but you wouldn't count on it.

You glanced at your clock as you turned on your turn signal, slowing to almost a stop as you rounded a corner. You realized you'd been driving in complete silence and thought for almost 45 minutes, and was genuinely shocked at yourself at how quick it felt.

Turning on the radio, some vaporwave-like song came on. Glass Animals? You hadn't heard this one before.

"Road shimmer,
Wiggling the vision,
Heat, heat waves
I'm swimming in a mirror"

Huh. What a nice tune for a long summer drive. You smiled as you continued on the long road ahead of you.

After what felt like days (although it was only an hour and 15 minutes), you finally made it to Dream's house. You nervously turned off the car after pulling into the driveway, resting your hands on the steering wheel nervously and taking in a shaky deep breath.

'I can't believe I'm actually here. Why am I, out of everyone who knows him, the first one to meet Drea- Clay. This makes no sense.'

You sighed as you hesitantly opened the car door, the piece creaking open slowly. You stepped onto the driveway, the setting afternoon Floridian sun beating down on you from above. The driveway was made of pale red and orange bricks, with quite a few palm trees lining the street and even an oak tree with a lose swing attached in the front yard.

starstruck || dream x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora