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"You're kidding-"

"No, I'm not!"

Your eyes widen, and you take a deep breath in as you come to the full realization of what George just told you. "Holy shit! Is he actually going to come with us? Dude, Nick will be so happy-" You start to ramble, but George cuts you off.

"Y/N, I don't know if he'll agree. I don't think he's ready to face reveal- Hell, even I haven't seen his face and I've known him for years! I'll talk to him about it, though." George's eyebrows were furrowed, and he had the camera faced at an angle below him as he walked down the street, the bright white sun coming up behind him and creating lens flare.

"Alright.. You and Nick do your work. If you'll excuse me now, Gogy, I'm very exhausted.." You mumbled, dropping your phone next to you and curling towards the sleeping body of Scotch at your side. George chuckled, "Goodnight, Y/N." This followed with a 'beep' as he hung up, the bright screen of your phone flickering out as you were, once again, left alone to sleep.

You slept for what must have been near 10 hours, waking up at an embarrassing 11am and not wanting to move out of the cozy spot you currently were in. You checked your phone, hissing as the brightness blinded you. You waited for the white dots to flicker out and you could see again before seeing 10+ Discord notifications. Rolling your eyes, you shut off your phone and got up, sneaking out of bed as to let Scotch sleep.

You made your way to the kitchen, turning on the coffee pot and opening the curtains on the window to look out at the bright Florida sun that greeted your late start. You'd lived in Florida since you were 15 or 16, when your parents had suddenly came here to explore their new job offerings. It just became home for you, and you didn't want to return back to your home state anymore. Bringing up old memories would just fuck up your psyche.

Your coffee pot stopped whirring, alerting you it had finished brewing and you could wake yourself up now. You lazily poured in sugar and creamer into your cup and mixed it, taking a big gulp as you finished.

Your phone started ringing in your pocket, scaring you. "Holy fuck-" You yelped, spilling your coffee onto your shirt and the floor. "God fuckin' damnit." You cursed, setting the mug down and quickly answering your phone.

"Who is this?! What do you want?!" You asked, trying to not sound as angry as you now were.

"Uh- Hi, Y/U/N- What's wrong?"

You froze in place.

That voice.

"Er- Dream-?"

"Yeah, uh- Are you alright?"

You facepalmed, sighing. "I'm good- You made me spill my coffee." You sighed, looking at the hopeless stain on your shirt and puddle on the floor. "Oh shit, sorry. I just wanted to talk to you about Vidcon, but if now isn't a good time, I mean-" He started to end the conversation, but you weren't about to let your caffeine conundrum ruin this.

"Woah, woah, woah! No, please tell me! What's up?" You sat down, deciding to address the mess after this. You had your priorities straight.

"Well.." He began anxiously. "I'm sure George or Sap told you, but I was invited to Vidcon as a special guest." You nodded along, paying attention to his words. "But...?" You asked. "But. I'm not ready to show my face." He admitted, exasperated. This obviously bothered him a lot.

"That's totally valid, Dream. I just want you to know that George and Sap and Bad and us all would be pretty upset you didn't come though. Like- You don't even need to go to the convention, just come with us and stay with us for a week. Don't you want to finally meet them?"

Dream took in an audible deep breath, thinking carefully about his words. "I- I do, Y/N. I just.. I don't know. What if they have high expectations for me that I can't meet face-to-face? Or-" You groaned, making Dream stop mid-sentence.

"Dude! C'mon now! No one is going to think any less of you, I promise! These are your friends you've had for years; They're not going to judge you. Trust me when I say they're so fucking excited to see you."

You tapped your fingers on the table in front of you as you spoke, hoping Dream understood. After a long moment, he finally agreed with you. "Yeah, you're right. Just- the last thing I'd want is any sort of drama or negative feelings. As long as it's pure fun and we all get along, I'm fine with seeing you guys."

You slammed your fist onto the table, the flowers in the vase sat neatly in the center toppling over to its side. You quickly picked it up, but your happiness didn't falter. "Holy shit, Dream! I'm so happy you'll come with us!" Dream chuckled, a hint of refrain still in his voice. "Yeah, me too!" He hesitated.

You rested your fist on the table, excitement becoming anxiety. "Woah, what's wrong?" You asked, concern thick in your voice. "....I'm just so scared people will find out who I am. We've gotta be careful, Y/U/N." Dream explained. You agreed fullheartedly.

"We'll take every precaution, I promise."


"Now, go tell George, Sap and Bad! They'll be so excited!" You ushered, half trying to end the call to hurry and clean your spilled coffee. Dream laughed, sounding back like his normal self.

"Alright, alright! Bye, Y/U/N, I'm sure we'll be talking again later!"

"Count on it! Bye!"

With that, you hung up. You took another big gulp of the remaining beverage, then sprung into action cleaning up your mess.

Once that was all done and you had changed into your daily clothes, you sat at your computer and sent a lengthy, formal email to Vidcon organizers to let them know about featuring you as a creator. You hit send after an hour of typing, deleting, re-typing and checking your email. It felt like you were back in high school.

When that hell was over, you did your daily things. Took care of Scotch, cleaned a bit, made lunch. The schedule you'd followed every day.

You went onto Vidcon's website, deciding to check out who else was going. This would be an amazing chance to meet other creators and plan collabs, anyways. Upon getting to the website and exploring through the pages, you realized something you hadn't noticed before.

Vidcon is in three days.


You hadn't remembered the last time you'd begun typing so fast. In less than a second, you were on Discord typing a frenzied text to the Dream Team server.


You quickly got in VC, running your fingers through your hair and chewing your lips nervously as you waited for everyone. After four long minutes, George and Dream joined. "Hey, Y/U/N, what's-"


"I- what?"

"You're joking-"

Punching the air, you shook your head. "Nope! It's in three fucking days! George, hurry and book your flight! Dream, are you going?" You bit your nails as you both waited for a response.

"I- yes. I'm coming with."

"Where do you live? I'm on my way."


"I said I'm on my way! Send me your address, we've gotta get going NOW!"

"Fuck, you're right. I'm sending it now."

You all quickly exited the VC, all starting to prepare separately for the adventure.

None of you had any idea what was coming.

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