"I never get a break do I?" I hear her mumble. "no I guess you don't" I sigh and tighten my grip around her. "adds I need to tell you something" I say and I feel her stiffen "I need to go to London for two weeks" I tell her "great and now you're leaving" she says angrily and tries getting out of my grip but I tighten it before she can get out of it.

"baby I want you and the kids to come" I quickly say and she stops trying to get out of my grip. she stays silent so I start "I have meetings for my music twice a week when we would be there but other then that we would be together with the twins the whole time" I say and she looks up to me.

"can we go without them?" she asks and I raise an eyebrow. "you know I love my kids but maybe I can actually get a break this time.. plus I would really love for some alone time with you" she smiles causing me to smirk and nod my head okay.

"wait but who's going to watch them?" I ask as I hear the door behind me open and close. I see addison's smile fade. "what are you doing here? get out" she demands then gets out of my arms. I quickly turn around to see Bryce looking down at Addison as she yells at him.

"look what you did Bryce, you had one chance yet you blew it. I- I don't even know what to do at this point. how could you even fuck up that bad? you literally caused him to break his arm and you brought him to Hooters. what is wrong with you?" she ask but more states.

"don- don't worry abbout it adds, he... he's fineee" Bryce slurred giving away the fact he's drunk. "you've gotta be kidding me Bryce. you're drunk too. you know what?... get out, if you ever come back I will get a lawyer involved so that you'll lose everything you've ever had" she threatens

I walk over next to her and cross my arms making sure his drunk self doesn't try anything. "whyyy she's here" Bryce asked turning his attention to me also causing me to smell he's breath that reeked with alcohol. 

"she's my girlfriend who actually cares about my kids unlike someone" Addison hissed causing him to roll his eyes. "wha-tever II'll leeave, I don't ne- need to see you d*kes" he said and turned around and left.

"I need a nap" I hear Addison mumble as she turned around going to Henry. not long after Addison is now laying in the hospital bed asleep with Henry laying on her chest with his broken arm laying across her stomach.

Lilly and Mary are also asleep on the couch thats in the room. which leaves me alone in this chair bored out of my mind. theres a tv in here but its just playing some kids show and I have no idea where the remote is.

my boredom was quickly interrupted when my phone started going off. I quickly pick up without looking at the caller ID. I don't care who it is as long as it distracts me.

"hello?" I ask as I hear loud music coming through the other side of the phone "d-dix I nEed you" "Emma?" I ask shocked to hear her voice "ye- yeah, I need y-you to come get me" I here her slur a little. great two drunk people I have to deal with tonight.

"ugh Emma, now is really not a good time" I sigh "fine I'll just ask a ran-dom stranger" I hear her say following with hearing her starting to ask someone "okay fine Emma, I'll come get you. where are you?" I ask annoyed. "I'm at our bar" she says then hangs up. 

I groan and get up, I walk over to Addison lightly kiss her forehead. "I'll be back in a little baby" I softly whisper not actually trying to wake her up. she's finally getting a little bit of a brake at the moment.

I quickly go around to Mary and softly shake her. her eyes open and she frowns her eyebrows in confusion. "I'll be back in a little bit, I need to help a friend" I tell her and she softly nods and looks around before she shuts her eyes again.

Skip to when she gets to the bar

I walk into the bar looking around to see if I can find her. not long after I spot her grinding on some guy as he has his hands up her shirt. "you've gotta be kidding me" I mumble to myself and quickly walk up to them.

"hi yes excuse me, I need her" I say to the guy and grab her out of his arms. "wow who's this chick? do you know her?" the guy ask Emma "mmm yeah, she's my ex" Emma giggles as she stumbles a little.

"well you see I was actually going to bring here Emma back to my place, you can join us if you want" he smirks as his eyes scan my body. "haha she is very good in bed" Emma laughs and places her hand on my chest causing the guys smirk to grow.

I was growing more annoyed by every second so I quickly grab her hand that was on my chest and drag her away from him. "Emma are you crazy you're under the influence and letting him take advantage of you" I scold her as we quickly walk to my car making sure he's not following.

once we get to my car I let go of her and start to fish for my keys but I'm quickly interrupted by Emma pushing me against my car. "god you're so hot when you're protective" she says suductively as she quickly shoots her hand up under my shirt squeezing my boob.

not even a second latter I see her coming at me trying to kiss me. I quickly move my face to the side so she kisses my cheek. I then quickly push her off me and get my keys out opening my car doors.

I open the passenger door for her and look anywhere but her. "Emma get in" I say softly and see her get in. I shut the door and take a deep breath in and out before I head over to the drivers seat.

I get in and start heading to my old house. so far its quite but I know how Emma is when she's drunk so I know it won't last long, and boy was I right. "you know dix, you should stay the night. maybe I can remind you what you left" she flirted and touched my arm caressing it.

"no Emma, I need to get back to Addison and the twins" I tell her and she scoffs. "I bet when I called you, you both were fucking each other" she laughs in annoyance. "no Emma, I was at the hospital with her because her son has a broken arm" I sassed growing more annoyed.

"mm whatever" "Emma why are you even out getting drunk. thats not like you, especially going out alone. plus you were slurring a little when you called me and you never slur when you get drunk, so how drunk did you get" I ask as we pull into the driveway of my old house.

"you see dixie, not everyone can get right into a relationship right after another." she sassed and her eyes go to something. I follow her gaze down to my promise ring with Addison. I quickly cross my arms so it's hidden"

"now if you don't mind dixie, I have to go drink myself to sleep" she says and gets out stumbling as she starts to walk to the front door. I quickly get out and run up to her as she tries to unlock the door.

"Emma I'm not going to allow you to drink yourself to sleep" "oh yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?" she challenges "I- I'll-" I stutter not knowing what I could do. "goodnight dixieee" she says as she slips through the door making sure to shut it and lock it right behind her.

"Emma god damnit, open this door" I yell as I bang on it "no I'm good" I hear her say and I start banging harder "Emma I'm not gonna let you drink yourself away!" I yell but I got no reply "are you doing this because of me or whatever girl you got with after me?" I ask and bang a few more times.

"it doesn't matter dix, you're not my girlfriend anymore so why do you even care?" "It doesn't matter if were together or not. I'll still always care about you and want you to be happy" I say "well I'll be happy if you'd just leave and let me do what I want" she says.

"bye Emma, please be safe" I sigh and walk back to my car. I get in and rest my head against the steering wheel before starting it. I really hope she's going to be okay. I'm not with her but I still care about her wellbeing.

once I get back to the hospital I'm already feeling mentally and physically exhausted. as soon as I open the room door I'm met with screaming. I see Addison and her mom fighting as Mary and the twins watch scared.


Okay so should I have the kids come on the trip or not. It would be hard with henrys arm but it would be cute to have dixie interact with them more.

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