Chapter 33 - Max Can't Find Out

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Chloe entered the bathroom where Chlo was "where's Charlotte?" "Toilet" Chloe nodded "Charl are you alright?" Charlotte didn't reply "Charlotte answer me or I'll break the door in" "I'm fine" Chloe nodded and turned to Chlo who shrugged "anyway why do you look ill" Chloe smiled "Aubree kept me awake most of the night" Chlo nodded "is everyone having trouble sleeping lately?" Chloe grinned "you've got Ben too snuggle with though" Chlo laughed "yeah I have". Charlotte eventually left the cubicle "you alright?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Chloe smiled "good".

Charlotte was walking through the school thinking about things when she saw Mr.Mead "Charlotte why aren't you in lesson?" Charlotte sighed "sorry sir, I'm feeling sick" Chris smiled "how about you come and sit in the classroom with me?" Charlotte smiled "if you don't mind sir" Chris shook his head "no I don't" Charlotte followed Chris to the science lab.

Chloe sat in English with Mr.Clarkson and felt another wave of pain in her stomach "Sir can I go outside and get some fresh air?" Tom frowned "everything alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm feeling sick" Tom nodded "I'll come with you" Chloe stood and left the classroom where she saw Max who was walking towards her "Chloe?" Tom left the class "she feels sick, I'm taking her outside for some fresh air" Max nodded "I'll come".

Walking past the the science lab Chloe frowned when she saw Charlotte kissing Chris but hoped Tom or Max didn't see "what the hell?" She was wrong Tom saw and went barging into the classroom punching Chris "crap" Chloe took off into the classroom and saw Charlotte crying "stop! Just stop!" They weren't listening so Charlotte attempted to get in the middle of them "break it up" as Tom and Chris were still fighting they pushed Charlotte who went flying into a work bench "pack it in you idiots!" Tom and Chris stopped when Chloe yelled and watched as she went over to where Charlotte was lying "are you alright?" Charlotte shook her head and whispered into Chloe's ear "I'm pregnant" Chloe gasped "someone give me car keys" the three men looked at her "flip sake, car keys! Give them" Chloe helped Charotte up "fine I'll take the bloody bus" Chris handed Chloe his car keys "where you going?" "Taking her too hospital seeing as she's just been pushed into the corner of the table" Tom walked away from Chris and went to help Chloe with Charlotte "I'll come" Chris looked at Tom "I'll drive, Chloe you stay here" Chloe frowned "no bloody chance, its your fault this happened" Max smirked at Chloe's attitude "fine let's go" Chloe smirked triumphantly.

Arriving at the hospital Charlotte wanted Chloe with her "stay here and try not too fight again" Tom glared at Chris and Chris glared back which made Chloe roll her eyes and followed Charlotte into the room "okay who's the dad?" Charlotte took a deep breath "Mr.Clarkson" Chloe gasped "no flipping way, when did that happen?" Charlotte looked at Chloe "Chlo's sleepover, the one you were invited too but didn't go" Chloe nodded "does he know?" Charlotte shook her head "I only found out an hour ago" Chloe again nodded "look it'll be alright" Charlotte noticed Chloe was looking deathly white and she looked hot "are you alright?" Before Chloe could reply she collapsed "oh god, someone help" Tom and Chris came in and saw Chloe unconcious on the floor "what happened?" "She just collapsed" a doctor came in with a stretcher "we need too find out what's wrong with her" Charlotte watched as her bestfriend was taken out of the room. Charlotte's doctor walked in "Charlotte your baby is fine" Charlotte let out a sigh of relief "what about my friend?" The doctor smiled "she's gonna be fine".

Rachel and Max were in the office when Rachel received a phonecall looking she saw it was the hospital -


Rachel - hello?

Hospital - is this the mother of Chloe Mason?

Rachel - yeah, what's wrong with my daughter?

Hospital - she collapsed and we need you too collect her

Rachel - I'm on my way


Rachel hung up "problem?" Rachel sighed "Chloe collapsed at the hospital, they need me to go and fetch her" Max frowned "did they say why?" Rachel shook her head "I need to get Aubree and go" Max sighed "I will keep Aubree with me" Rachel frowned "I think Chloe will want her with her" Max smirked "I will bring her up the hospital to you" Rachel nodded and left.

When she arrived she saw Eddie there "Eddie what are you doing here?" Eddie looked up "Charlotte was brought here by Tom,Chris and Chloe" Rachel frowned "why?" "Tom and Chris fighting, Charlotte tried to break it up and she got pushed into a work bench, why are you here?" Rachel sighed "Chloe collapsed" Eddie frowned "is she alright?" Rachel shrugged "I'm going to look for her now" Eddie nodded and watched as Rachel went looking for her daughter.

Rachel found Chloe's room and saw Chris sitting with her "Chloe love are you alright?" Chloe nodded but she was staring into space "have they said what's wrong with you?" Chloe again nodded "what?" Chris sighed "she had an abortion and they said it caused a mild infection" Rachel frowned "what? Is that where you were this morning?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Rachel sighed "you should have spoken to me Chloe, I could have helped you" Chloe wiped her eyes "where's Aubree?" "Max is bringing her later" Chloe nodded.

Charlotte knew she had to tell Eddie she was pregnant but she wasn't telling him that Tom was the father "alright princess?" Charlotte shook her head "you're gonna hate me" Eddie frowned "why?" Charlotte took a deep breath "I'm pregnant Eddie" Eddie sighed "I don't hare you, I could never hate you" Charlotte smiled through her tears "do you know if Chloe is alright?" Eddie shook his head "Rachel's with her now" Charlotte nodded "it was scary too see that happen" Eddie sighed "Chloe is gonna be fine, and she'll be able to help you through being pregnant won't she?" Charlotte nodded "yeah".

Max arrived at the hospital with Aubree and went looking for Chloe's room "ah Christopher" Chris looked up "Max, should she be here?" Max nodded "she wants her mother" "she's in there" Max walked into Chloe's room and saw Rachel "hello Rachel" "Max" Chloe looked at Rachel who nodded "I'll take Aubree and go see Charlotte" Chloe nodded and Rachel left "have they said what's wrong?" Chloe took a deep breath "I had an abortion today and it caused an infection" Max frowned "abortion? You were pregnant?" Chloe nodded "yeah I was" Max looked at her "why did you have one?" Chloe shrugged "I'm not ready for another baby, I'm in my first A-Level year and already have Aubree" Max sighed "Chloe" Chloe shook her head "just go, please" Max left determined to become a better person.

Chloe and Charlotte were discharged at the same time "right Eddie I'll take the girls with me, you take Tom and Chris you head home, I'll speak to you both in the morning" Tom and Chris nodded.

Rachel took Chloe and Charlotte back to hers where Chloe got her hot water bottle "what's wrong with you then?" Chloe sighed "abortion" Charlotte frowned "you went alone?" Chloe nodded "yeah, and apparently it caused an infection so I'm off school tomorrow, whoopee" Charlotte smiled and Chloe continued "how did Eddie take your news?" Charlotte shrugged "he's not kicked me out yet" Chloe smiled "he won't" Rachel walked in "what news Charlotte?" Charlotte sighed "I'm pregnant" Rachel frowned "who's the father?" "Just someone I met in a club" Rachel nodded "Chloe you can get off too bed in a minute, I'll keep an eye on Aubree" Chloe rolled her eyes but nodded.

When Eddie had puck Charlotte up Chloe went to bed but not before checking to see if Aubree was alright "night night baby, sleep tight" Chloe climbed into bed in pain but it wasn't as bad as before, she then fell asleep dreaming about if she hadn't have gotten rid of her baby.

A/N - Hope You Like, & Now I'm Off Too Think Up Idea's For The Next Chapter Au-Revoir! :p xoxo :) xoxo

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