They were the size of Jin's hand, and kept in cute, vibrant colored pots.

He wouldn't have made the connection between bonsai and Namjoon, if he hadn't been shown this. Namjoon, with the way he dressed and acted, gave Jin the impression that he must be one of those party-goers, heavy booze, and late night drives kind of guy.

But now, it seemed like he was someone with a green thumb, and a nature buddy.

"They're cute." Jin said with a smile, the earlier tension in his body, leaving and replaced with a calmness.

"Thanks." Namjoon returned his smile, and again Jin was struck by how pretty those dimples looked on his face. "I'll be taking them home tonight."

"Do you want to take a closer look?" he asked.

"I'm fine here." Jin said and avoided Namjoon's eyes. "I might break something." he mumbled at the end.

"Ah-" Namjoon nodded in understanding. "It's alright."

"I just wanted to bring you here."

"W-Why?" Jin had been wanting to ask this question for sometime.

"Are you still thinking about your fear of needles?"

Jin's eyes widened, finally getting the reason behind Namjoon's action. He was trying to distract Jin and show him something else to think of.

"No. I wasn't thinking of needles." Jin said, slowly.

It was only after Namjoon mentioned it, that he had started thinking about his impending tattoo again.

"That's good." Namjoon rubbed his hands and then walked to where Jin stood.

"W-What?" the sudden decrease in distance between them, once again made Jin shy.

"How about we do your tattoo here?"

"Here?" Jin looked around, taking in the room's appearance.

It wasn't a storage room, but it wasn't as spacious as the studio either. There was just a long table set up against the wall, where the bonsai were kept - no chair or other furniture.

"Won't it be a bit uncomfortable for you?" Jin asked.

He had no knowledge about how tattoos worked or how artists carved the designs into their clients. But he had watched some videos, and seen those machine guns, and the wiring, and couldn't help but think that the space wouldn't be enough.

"Don't worry about me. It's you that needs to be comfortable. I can work in any place and in any condition." Namjoon said, giving him a tiny wink.

Jin hoped his red ears weren't as noticeable to Namjoon. "I-I need to be comfortable...?"

"Of course!" Namjoon nodded. "It's your body I'll be tattooing." There again, the cute dimpled smile was back.

"We don't want your muscles to be tense with fear when I start working on you. It's best to get your tattoo done when your relaxed."

"I think-" Namjoon pointed to the bonsai trees behind him. "This is the perfect set up, to keep you distracted."

You and your smile are enough distraction for me, Jin thought.

Namjoon let out a loud laugh, startling Jin. His eyes turned into cute crescent and the booming laughter filled the small space. "Thanks! I'm happy to be your distraction."

Jin froze where he stood. He did not just say that out loud...right?

"I heard you." Namjoon said, still laughing, and the grin this time was dazzling.

"I-I didn't mean it-" Jin stammered, trying to find words but Namjoon shook his head.

"Now you're just lying to yourself."

"Besides-" Namjoon took another step towards Jin, crowding his space and putting his hands on either side of the table, caging Jin. There was no escape.

"I think I would be a better distraction then the trees. Don't you think so?" his voice was low, suggestive and poor Jin felt his face heat up even more.

"W-We ....w-we have work to do!" he all but screeched and quickly pushed Namjoon away, before racing for the door.

"I'll be waiting here!" the tattooist shouted from behind him.

He could still hear Namjoon's cackling even as he opened the door to the studio and stepped inside.


Taehyung's voice dragged him back to reality, and looked up to see the younger frowning at him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing...nothing happened." Jin whispered and moved to Namjoon's station, avoiding Taehyung reached out arm.

He couldn't stop the tiny smile that claimed his lips, when he thought about Namjoon's earlier words.

He had entered the tattoo studio, worrying about his tattoo and design. Now though, there was something else to worry about.

Namjoon had made it clear that he was interested, in him and his tattoo design.

And Jin...

Well Jin had no intention of denying him.

He was going to get his tattoo and that cute dimpled, bonsai-lover tattoo artist that came along with it.




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