♥35♥ The fire in your eyes

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Was it impossible for Katsuki to rid of the fire in her eyes? Was it an inevitable that she's consumed by the flames of hatred? No! He had to do this! He had to change fate! Not only for her sake, not just for Michiyo's sake! For Yuuki! 

Eijirou needed to hurry and catch up with Ranfa! He couldn't let the two of them fight one another! He loved Ranfa but he also cherished the friendship he had with Katsuki! He wanted both of them to stop fighting! 

He couldn't blame Ranfa for wanting to kill Katsuki, but he believed there's more than just revenge. He wanted to live with her and live on with her forever; they're both demons so they could overcome the flow of time and spend the rest of their days together. He really want that. He really wanted to spend eternity with her. 

He made it. He made it to the barren land where the fog blocked out everything. He tried to land down but there was a Magical Force stopping him from landing. He felt electricity course his body! 

"Ranfa! Katsuki!" What was this forcefield that's stopping him from entering? Did Ranfa create a dimension to stop outsiders from getting inside? Was she fighting with Katsuki? "Ranfa, stop! This isn't what you really want! Don't let vengeance blind you from what you are looking for! Ranfa!" 

His shouts landed on deaf ears. He returned into the form of a human and he landed on top of the Magical Force. "GAH!!!!" He was being shocked but he did not care. He wanted to enter the dimension she had made. He's on his knees and he helplessly punched the Magical Force with his bare fists! "Ranfa! Katsuki!" 

Katsuki and Ranfa were still at it. 

"Use your common sense, Ranfa! I'm not the one who caused everything! I'm not the one who made up this fucked up story!" 

"I don't care! Katsuki, you think I care about the non-magic users farming Magic? I don't care about any of that. It's just convenient to keep you on this stage the whole time. I just wanted that mystery to last so it kept you close!" She pounced at Katsuki and she clawed him, ripping his cape apart! "Even if God written this story and pit the non-magic users against the Magic users, I don't give a shit. Everyone should die for being so damn stupid! The non-magic users should die because they let their fear control them and the Magic Users should all die because they let people without Magic to farm them!" Ranfa never cared about any of those people. She cared only for herself and for Eijirou and Michiyo. The whole world could crumble and she'd be fine with it as long as she and Eijirou were together, and Michiyo's happiness with Shouto was guaranteed. To her, the world was voided of all colors. The only reason why she's here and alive was because of Eijirou and Michiyo. To her, who was wanted by no one, she was fine with only being wanted by one person. She knew for a fact she could do 100 terrible things and Eijirou will always come up with 101 reasons why he loved her and would still want her. 

"Ranfa..." Katsuki could see the burning fire in her eyes. Did he really have to die to stop the fire? This story...who made this story? "Yuuki, stop!" 

Ranfa chuckled, "Yuuki never existed, you fucking idiot! She is nothing but a mask to put up with you!" 

"Stupid wolf, is this what you truly want?! We travelled for so long that this is how you want it to end?!" He kept dodging her attacks, "Yuuki! If this is what you wanted, why did you not want to give me the orange lily at the time?!" 

She kicked him away from her! 

Did you know? An orange lily meant hatred and revenge

"If you truly want revenge, why did you not want to give me the orange lily at that time?!" Katsuki was hit by her auras. He could feel his insides bubbling but he used his own Magic to push her Magic out of himself so she couldn't cause him to explode like she did with the Horse Zodiac! 

♥Herogatari♥BNHA Fantasy AU♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin