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━━━━━ IT WAS SATURDAY , THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK BEFORE EVERYTHING REALLY ENDS. Upon further discussion with each other, they have decided to go with Nene's list first in the morning, while Amane's would be done in the afternoon.

The first thing in Nene's list was to find a partner for her current hamster, White Inferno.

Which is why they're both standing in front of a certain pet shop down town, seeking for the perfect furry companion.

"Come on, Yashiro. Let's go in," Amane says nonchalantly and pushes the door. It didn't budged though. He pushed it again, but to no avail. The young boy glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, "What's this? Isn't it open already?"

She blinked at him, "You're pushing it when the sign literally says it's a pull door, Amane-kun."

"O-Oh," he felt blood rushing to his cheeks as he blinked back at her, still gripping on the handle. Amane avoided eye contact any further and cleared his throat, finally pulling it and letting her in first as he should.

Soon, the both of them have begun going around the shop, looking for hamsters. Inspecting the sections carefully, they couldn't help but be in awe and ultimately distracted with the wonders of the said place.

"Look, Yashiro," Amane calls out, pointing at an aquarium with a large smile on his face. "A fish is staring at me!"

"Eh, cute! Isn't that Nemo?" Nene gushed as she went by his side with a grin and also looked at the tiny fish, that really seemed to look at her friend. She frowned. "I wonder if his dad is trying to find him now that he's in a pet shop."

"Oh, little miss, that's what you call a Clownfish," someone spoke from behind them. They turned and saw a man with dark hair, smiling down at them. His name tag read, Nagisa, which meant that he was a worker there. "Though you are quite right, Nemo is a Clownfish in that movie."

"Mister, don't you think that we should return them back to the ocean?" Amane questioned as he glanced at the creature. "I'm worried that his dad and Dory is sad."

Nagisa laughed heartily at what the dark-haired boy said and pat their heads equally, "That's quite alright. I'm sure Nemo is safe now. Haven't you watched the ending?"

"We have," Nene grinned.

"That's good. By the way, what are you kids doing here? Out to buy a pet?" The older man asked, crossing his arms to his chest. "We have lots."

"Ah!" Nene and Amane both looked at each other at the same time with wide eyes, realizing that they have been distracted from their main mission for that morning. "That's right! We're out to look for Blue Explosion!"

"Blue Explosion?" Nagisa parroted and raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"Mister, do you have hamsters here?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I'll lead you to where they are so you can choose."

After a few turns around, they have finally reached the hamsters section, to which Nagisa had left them for awhile to tend to the other customers. Nene bent down a bit, narrowing her eyes, as if concentrating, "There are so many of them, I can't choose!"

Cute, fluffy and amusing creatures fumbled around a large cage, all doing their businesses. There was a white, a brown, a black, a grey and such, though she couldn't settle on any of them since they were all worth taking home.

"Should I help you choose, then?" Amane bent beside her, putting his hands on his knees as he stared at a playing hamster. "I know you'd end up trying to buy them all so, yeah."

"Please do," she buried her face in her hands, turning away to contain the sudden attack of cuteness from them. "Any of them will do, as long as you choose. I'm sure White Inferno will be ecstatic either way."

After a few minutes of Amane's 'magnificent' choosing, he settled with a grey one, saying how although it's quite meek, it was the best among all. And so, they went on their way to the cashier.

"Hi," a violet-haired woman greeted them with a warm smile. Her name tag read, Sumire. "What do you guys have here?"

"A hamster, we want to buy it please," Nene stood on her tip-toes, grinning up at the woman. "How much would it be?"

Sumire hummed, leaning closer, "How much do you have?"

Nene fell back on the balls of her feet and fished something out from her pocket. And then, she soon started putting out all that she seemed to have — 2 crumpled dollars and a penny.

"Oh no, honey," Sumire shook her head with a pitiful look. "That won't be enough, sorry."

"Uhm, excuse me," another voice interrupted which certainly caught the attention of Sumire. When they moved back and looked, it was a young lady with fine green hair, holding a cage. "Is your shop willing to sell this hamster?"

"Oh," Sumire stood up and nodded. "Though I should probably call for the manager first, ma'am. Please wait for a moment."

When she had gone, Nene glanced at Amane and timidly crept behind the green-haired, tapping on her hand lightly. She turned and looked down at Nene, "Yes?"

"Uhm, I'm Nene Yashiro!" She introduced so suddenly, even Amane who was beside her was surprised. "H-How much is your hamster, ma'am?"

"I-I'm Sakura," the young woman replied, stunned by the question. "You want to buy my hamster?"

- - -

Amane couldn't stop smiling as he continued to look at a certain brown hamster as it interacted with White Inferno, "I didn't knew you were actually good with deals, Yashiro."

"I didn't either," Nene shrugged. "But seeing how Sakura-san looked like, this hamster was something important to her. Though she was ready to let go of it."

As it went, Nene had bought Sakura's hamster, which was nearly taken in by the pet shop — yes, with the little money she had, Sakura was generous enough to have it exchange with her dear pet hamster.

It happened that Sakura was moving overseas next week and she couldn't take it away with her. She had a sentimental attachment with Mochi, who has been renamed as Blue Explosion, in courtesy of Nene. And seemingly even upon the sudden agreement, Sakura entrusted Mochi to her, knowing that it will be in good hands.

"They look cute, and White Inferno seems happy with someone," Nene grinned. And then, she turned to Amane. "We should start working with yours soon. What was it again?"

"Oh!" The dark-haired looked at her cheerfully, obviously excited. "Donuts!"

━━━━ 🗞



Plss I've been feeling rusty about my writing, especially since I've been busy with schoolwork sometimes, I don't have the time to update my babies :( & did u know that it takes me hours to write just one chapter :') well yeah I thinks several authors do as well but yeah thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

But thanks again for reading this! Your support means the world to me, really. I'm glad I could update this again :D

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