Silent Treatment

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This goes to the update zombie :p hahaha 


For two days, Jack has been ignoring to me. Whenever I saw him in school and went over to say hi, he'll either walk away or put a hand on my forehead and push me away. Which was really bad. And whenever I passed him notes in class, he'd just glare at me and put a finger in front of his mouth, as in to ask me to shut up. Whenever I send him a message on whatsapp, I'd see double blue ticks beside my message but no replies. Whenever I called him or shouted his name in my backyard, he'd ignore me and get me scolded by his mom. 

Did I do something wrong? 

I sighed heavily and packed up my books once the bell rang and the teacher announced that the class was dismissed. If we don't talk today, this will be the third day. 

I zipped my bag up and walked out the classroom to Jack's locker and leaned on the side against his locker. I looked around, trying to find him in the sea of people. 

Suddenly, I couldn't see anything. There were hands covering my eyes. "Who am I?" The guy asked from behind me. 

I tried guessing the person from his voice, it sounded familliar. But all I know was, it wasn't Jack's. "Um... Peter Pan?" 

"What the heck, no." The guy said while I tried pulling his hands away from my eyes. "Come on, guess and you can see colours again." 

"Give me a clue?" I asked, putting both my hands on the straps of my bag since his hands wouldn't leave my eyes. 

"I'm a boy." The guy answered. 

I groaned. "Thanks. That helps a lot." "Um... Drake?" 

"What?" A voice from in front replied. "Finn can't be me. We don't even sound alike at all!" 

"Finn!" I answered. Finn let go and slapped Drake on his shoulder. 

"Thanks a lot." Finn said with a glare to Drake who was rubbing his shoulder. 

"Excuse me." Jack said from behind us. "I need to put my books back in my locker." He said, lifting up the books he's about to put inside. 

Drake, Finn and I moved away and let Jack open his locker. I looked at Jack, into his eyes. But he wouldn't look back. 

I tried harder. 

And harder. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Jack said, looking back at me, into my eyes, almost-angrily. 

I let out a sigh of relief and patted myself just below my collarbones. "Thank God." I whispered to myself.

"The heck?" Jack said, with one eyebrow raised. Drake and Finn looking at the both of us confusingly. 

"May we speak alone, sire?" I asked Jack. 

And if I'm not mistaken, he wanted to let out a smile. But instead, he held it back and looked at me with a blank face. 

"Fine. We'll talk while walking home." Jack suggested, turning around and walking away. I grinned and followed behind him, but before I forgot, I turned around and waved goodbye to Finn and Drake who were raising their eyebrows like perverts, and giving me thumbs-up, smiling like idiots. I rolled my eyes and walked by Jack's side. 


Once we were out of the school, and hadn't spoken to each other one word yet. I cleared my throat to make the awkward silence go away. 

"So... what's wrong?" I asked Jack, looking up at him. 

He shrugged. "Nothing, what's up?" 

I rolled my eyes, but he didn't notice it. "Come on, you've been ignoring me for the past two days." "What's wrong?" 

Jack ran a hand down his face. "Nothing's wrong." 

I glared at him and kept my eyes on his face. "Right. I can totally believe that." 

"Stop." Jack said, blinking his eyes shut tightly before opening them, and pushing me away again with his hand on my forehead. 

"What?" I rubbed my forehead with my hand. It wasn't pain actually.

"Stop staring at me. It's creepy. You're creepy." 

"Why can't I?" I tried hiding a smile but I can feel it was already on my face. 

"Because. It's. Creepy." Jack said, putting both hands on his face, covering it from me. "Get away from me. God." Jack said, sounding like a small boy crying.

I couldn't help but laughed. "I'll stop once you stop ignoring me." 

Jack peeked through his fingers at me and glared, thinking about it. "Fine." 

I smiled and turned away, whistling with both my hands on the back. "Splendid."  


Yes, this is this weekend's update. I know it's short and all, but hope you guys like this? :O Will update soon once the school stop giving homeworks every kdjklajd day. 

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