"Ugh that man seems to know everything," she sighed, half joking. "What do you propose that we do?"

"I think if you told him someone was coming with you, he'd let you go."

"Who on earth would want to come with me to somewhere like Malfoy Manor?"

"Me," Fred offered. "I'd go with you."

"No," Hallie shook her head. "No you're not. I forbid it. This is my business and I'm not getting you dragged into it."

"Oh Hals, I got dragged into your business a long time ago. Come on now," he laughed.

"I am not letting you put your safety at risk for me Fred!" Hallie voiced. "Mrs Weasley would kill me and I'd never forgive myself if Lucius tried to hurt you,"

"You've done enough for me," Hallie said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You truly have, you've honestly been the greatest friend anybody could've wished for but I will not let you go there. No way, I need to do this by myself."

"Greatest, huh? I'll never let you forget that you said that," he joked.

Hallie laughed. "I need to go to Dumbledore I think."

"Alright then," Fred nodded. "Let's go."

"Please Professor," Hallie begged. "I need to do this."

Dumbledore smiled calmly at Hallie. "As headmaster of Hogwarts, it is my duty to protect all students. Considering the circumstances of what is occurring in the wizarding world, it would not be safe to go."

"You'd let Harry go," Hallie folded her arms. "You literally let him go down to the Chamber of Secrets in our second year to destroy something with a basilisk fang while the memory of you-know-who stood in front of him."

"Let's not forget the Philosopher's stone business, the Sirius Black malarkey and the triwizard competition last year," she took a step forward. "Let's just say, you're not like most headmasters, sir."

Fred look gobsmacked by the complete aura and audacity of Hallie. He had to admit though, she was really quite intelligent.

"Ah, Miss Blackwell," he nodded. "You remind me a lot like your grandfather," he blinked slowly. "A brisk nature about you. Always acquiring to get things done and if anybody stood in his way, well, he'd find a way around them."

"I never met him," Hallie sighed, feeling a little weaker in the heart. "I wish I had though."

"It does not do well to dwell on death," Dumbledore voiced. "That can lead you to forget about the living."

"So Professor," Fred began. "What about the floo powder then?"

"He already said I couldn't go," Hallie sighed.

"Ah, I said it would not be safe to go," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "With a few safety precautions, we could send you there."

"Oh really?" She said, shocked that she had actually managed to convince him. "What safety precautions do you mean?"

"Take this with you"

EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now