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Next day

Stardust Entertainment :

Jimin enters the studio and was greeted by Namjoon who was reading a newspaper. Namjoon was so lost in the newspaper that he didn't even notice Jimin who was standing at the entrance while staring at Namjoon. Jimin smiles before interrupting Namjoon's peacetime with his existence.

"Hello." He chirps while taking his shoes off, grabbing the one's attention.

"Oh, Jimin. Welcome, welcome." Namjoon greets Jimin with a wide smile.

Jimin looks around and hasn't seen the other person. He was expecting Yoongi to show up out of nowhere but it is a surprise that Yoongi isn't here like always.

"Yoongi isn't here yet?" Jimin asks without adding the extra 'hyung' part which made Namjoon a little offended but he shrugs it off since he knows that they will end up together.

"Yoongi hyung is running late today." He highlighted the 'hyung' part in a different tone then continued with his normal tone.

"Oh, I thought he will be here," Jimin mumbles in his mask while taking a seat on the couch.

"Want some tea? We ran out of coffee today. I was going to buy some but you came by." Namjoon explains.

"Oh, I'm sorry, and yes, please."



Yoongi's pov :

I was fucking late! I slept in and forgot about meeting Jimin today. I grabbed whatever looked wearable and got out.

It's been already 11 am, he might be waiting for me. And what's great is that the fucking traffic is lit today.

Great! Just great! Fuck you Min Yoongi!

I arrived at the studio at 12:10. It's a fucking relief that the traffic police did their fucking job to control the traffic.

"Namjoon! You lazy ass! Make some coffee-" I almost uttered another word, my mouth closed by its own when I saw that brown-haired boy turning to me.

"Hey." He smiled because his eyes disappeared when he did that.

"Hey..." I breathed out when I saw no one else was there except us.

I was a little worried because Jimin's voice is still cracked. So, without saying anything I walked to him and grabbed his hands.

They are warm as always.

"Hey..what's wrong?" He tries to divert my attention to somewhere else but his voice kept bugging me.

"Are you okay? " I asked him and he smiled again.

"I'm fine." Then it triggered me that he's wearing a mask again. When he last wore a mask, he had bruises beneath his mask. And he's wearing a scarf too.

I snatched his scarf away and saw dark red marks on his honey-toned skin. Jimin's eyes wides when I did that and also took the mask off too. There was a small bruise on the corner of his lips.

"What is this.." I ask while eyeing his bruises and marks.


"What the fuck is this..you told me you were okay.." Jimin cups my face and leans closer.

"Yoongi ...please listen..." He nearly cried while trying to calm me.

"There's no way that I could've stopped him..there's no way I can stop him..he will keep doing this." I was pissed off and freaking disgusted by this asshole.

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