Chapter 7: Pushing Forward!

Start from the beginning

'Crap... I had forgotten about that new move' Izuku thought, 'If he keeps using that in close range, I won't be able to land a hit on him, I need to come up with something!'

Iida charged at him again, however, Izuku didn't move, Izuku was prepared to dodge another one of Iida's Recipro bursts, but Instead Iida went for another grab bit Izuku sidestepped him to the right, and while he was confused on why Iida didn't go for another Recipro burst, but he quickly punched Iida in the left side of his torso, before he then went for another punch in the face and he sent Iida back Iida regain himself, but as soon as he did, a fist that was followed by green lightning had bunched him in the gut, before he was also kicked in the face sending him back more.

Iida quickly regained himself again and When Izuku charged at him again, Iida's mufflers had cooled down enough to use another Recipro Burst, he quickly fired up his engines and Went for a high kick, Izuku saw this and blocked the attack with his hands, and with this, he pushed himself back to avoid the rest of the attack. Izuku landed a good distance from Iida.

Izuku looked to his hands and he could feel that his left had taken the most damaged and it felt like hit had fallen asleep, however, he focused back on Iida and his new move. 'If I think about it, Iida's mufflers must be hot from using that move, which means that there's a cool-off period, and since he already used it, he can't use it right away, which means he'll be going for another grab'

Just then Iida charged at him again and Izuku was ready to sidestep him again, but as he got closer, Izuku noticed that his other leg burst with flames and went for another powerful quirk.

'Damnit! I can't dodge it!' Izuku cried 'I have to meet it head with an attack!'

Izuku tightened his right fist and powered up




The two Attacks met and Iida's shin and Izuku's fist came into contact, both winced at the sudden pain they both felt, But Izuku quickly pushed past it, and with his other fist, he uppercut Iida and sent the boy flying back and landing back on the stage.

'Damnit... I overused my mufflers and even if I wanted to get up the leg that Izuku hit hurts like hell and not to mention my jaw is in a lot of pain' Iida said 'It looks like I lost... I'm sorry Tensei'

After Iida didn't get up, Midnight decided to end the match, "IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!" Midnight announced

The crowd cheered and Izuku smiled again, and he walked over to Iida and held out his hand for his friend. Iida looked at him and smiled and took his friend's hand, Izuku helped him up and Iida slowly could feel his leg again but he walked with a limp.

"It was a good fight, Midoriya," Iida said

Izuku smiled and nodded, "It was a challenge Iida, and for what it's worth, I think you broke my hand," Izuku told him

Iida smiled, "I can't even feel my leg that you punched, let's call it even," Iida said

The two chuckled lightly before walking off the stage and heading to Recovery Girl's room to get checked on.





Izuku's hand was healed along with Iida's leg. Izuku looked to Iida with a smile,

"I know how much the fight meant to you, but I think that if your brother was watching, he'd be proud of you that you made it to the semi-Finals," Izuku told him "So don't feel like you failed"

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