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That was the only word they could all describe the woman infront of them as. The woman who was laying down on the hospital bed below them was a faint reminder of the Angelica they use to know. Now, she was a completely new person. Maybe not mentally or emotionally, but definitely physical.

Her hair was now past her butt once she stood up and trailed on the floor. Her eyes were big, and round green orbs looking in each direction and over ever face she recognized. Blood-filled, pink lips that murmured tiny whispers of words from time to time.

Skin as smooth as butter and as fair as an angel's. Glistening when the hospital lights hit her the right way, her demeanor and beauty had done a full 360°. If you hadn't known Angelica before, then you certainly wouldn't recognize her now.

"Angelica? Is that you?" Sarah tilted her head softly as she down on the bed next to her.

"Who else would I be my dear Sarah?" Angelica giggled softly, looking from Sarah to Kate, then Tyler, following to Caleb and Reid.

"How's he doing?" Angelica questioned them with worry in her eyes.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Caleb grinned softly, turning to the side to show a fully healed Pogue.

"There's my handsome guy." Angelica slowly and softly murmured as she closed her eyes for a second.

For that split second, felt like eternity as soon as she opened them again.

"How are you feeling beautiful?" Pogue sat down on the bed beside her, taking her hand into his own softly.

"Never been better." Angelica smiled big as her head rested back against the pillow.

"Your parents flew in today. Since you're not 18 they had to call your legal guardians." Pogue annoyedly spoke while rolling his eyes playfully.

Angelica hit Pogue's arm while laughing softly.

"We'll leave you two for a bit okay?" Sarah stood up and marched over to Caleb after giving Angel a soft hug.

Kate gave Angel a soft hug as well, tearing up a bit. "I'm so thankful that you made it."

Caleb, Tyler, and Reid all gave Angel a head kiss and a soft hug before following the girls out of the room. Pogue turned his head to watch his friends leave, making sure the door was shut before leaning over and capturing Angelica's lips in his own.

Before this all happened, Pogue had taken for granted every little thing that he had shared between Angel. He never thought that that something would happen to the both of them, that would've changed everything.

So now, every time Pogue was going to kiss her,n he was going to count the blessings in his life and thank whoever for all of them.

"I...I thought I had lost you." Pogue whimpered softly while placing his forehead against Angelica's.

Aneglica placed one hand on the back of Pogue's head while the other held his back. A single droplet fell from Pogue's face onto Angelica's, making her open her eyes and pout.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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