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"What are you talking about? What kind of spell?" Pogue's rage began to fill his body.

"Creation." Caleb couldn't make eye contact with Pogue, feeling as though he's failed his brother. "Spiders."

"They're taking her to a hospital in Gloucester." Caleb tried to get Pogue to calm down and not worry so much, but knew that he couldn't because he was also enraged.

"Don't do anything until we know what he wants." Caleb tried fo reason with Pogue but knew it was too late.

"Were talking about Angel!" Pogue shouted as he ran out of the room and up the stairs, racing to his bike. Pulling the helmet on and zooming down the road.

Clouded by rage and only seeing red, Pogue's anger and rage fueled his body to push the boundaries of life itself. He held the clutch of his bike down to propel himself to go faster, going 75 miles over the posted speed limit.

But just as he was continuing down the road, he noticed a figure in the middle of road which he recognized as Chase. Heaving heavily with fury, Pogue was ready to fight for the love of his life.

"Come to save little miss muffet have we?" Chase taunted Pogue with a cynical smirk plastered on his face.

'No Pogue! This is what he wants! Don't give into him! Turn around! Go!'

"Well you're to late! A spider came down and sat down beside her....and frightened Miss Muffett away!" Chase kept taunting Pogue who became enraged.

Pogue charged at Chase who seemed unfazed to have a bike coming at his in full speed. This caused Chase to smirk as his eyes transformed into the black that takes over when Power comes to use.

Just before Pogue had gotten to Chase, Chase took his hands out of his pockets and flipped Pogue off his bike and hurdled in the air.

'Pogue! No!'

Pogue slowly took his helmet off, seething in fury as he turned his head to look at Chase who was getting closer and closer each second.

"You hurt Angel and I'll kill you!" Pogue spewed out, each word dipped in venom.

"Hurt her? I only used her to get to you. It's you I'm going to hurt." Chase gritted his teeth as he reached Pogue, smirking menacingly.

"And you're just my bait to get to Caleb." Chase explained in all honestly.


Angelica was trying her hardest to wake up, to push her body outside the limits of her power and what she has always known. She needed to help Pogue, but knew that it was no use anymore. She was just a lost soul trapped inside a shell.

The dread filled her as she began to scream inside of her own mind, crying and wailing, needing someone to help her. But all she could feel, was her life draining from her body ever so slowly.

'Please!? Someone! Please anyone!? If you can hear me, please help me!'

Angelica tried to call out to anyone who could hear her, but she knew that no matter how much she protested and tried to fight. No one and nothing was coming for her. She was trapped, and maybe for her whole life she would be in this state.

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