"oh fuck im sorry" i muttered as i bumped into a large figure making them drop their bag of items. "well look who we found" the figure laughed. i immediately knew whose voice it was.

"ive run into the fag again" he whispered into my ear. "id suggest never running into me again. i dont need your disease"

i never failed to keep my head facing the floor, every single memory can rushing into my head. i felt my body freeze, my breathing get rapid, my throat become dry. i felt his hand touch my arm. "look at you not breathing at the touch of a man, fucking cockslut" he finally pulled away from my ear. stll holding onto my arm.

"id suggest you step away from my brother" a determined voice came up from behind me.

"well if it isn-"

"i dont want to hear it bitch, do we not have a restraining order against you?"

my world fell dark, i felt his hand around my arm start to grip on tighter and tighter and tighter. i woke up back in the car, mum standing out side of the car on the phone with someone. gemma next to me looking terrified. "w-water ple-ase" i croaked out.

she scrambled to get the water bottle from the cup holder in the side door. i looked outside my window to see him getting taken away in a cop car, for breaking the restraining order.

"harry im so sorry for-"

"gems please, its not your fault please dont apologize"

"can i at least have a hug?"

"yes come here"

(end of flashback)

"and its very clear you understand why you had one right?" her voice sounding weary.

i started looking around the room. some phds on the wall, the two grey arm chairs in front of her desk, the matching sofa i was sitting on, the wooden chair she was sat on, the book collection how the brain works on the black bookshelf against the back wall next to the door, some throw pillows next to me on the sofa, two yellow two green. some toys in a big yellow bin for when kids come in here, the painting on eggshell walls with motivational speeches on them.

"harry" i was snapped back into reality. "can you tell me why you had one of these again, please"

"uhm i- um, my- d- da-" i stammered feeling my leg start to shake. "desmond" i mustered out. "he would um- call me a cock-sl"

"you dont need to continue harry, saying his name was more than enough" she reassured me noticing how much my body tensed up. "im very happy with your progress harry, and i think louis is really good for you"

"yeah" i started to nlush "i lov- like him a lot"


"i can see that, and clearly he likes you a lot as well" she noted "oh it was great to see you again" she had a warm smile on her face.

"good to see you to" i nodded back shaking her hand.

"hopefully i will see you sooner than a year?" she stops me before i reached the door.

"i cant promise anything dr tho- carrie" we said our goodbyes and i step out of the office. seeing my mum in the waiting room. "hey" i whispered

"hi honey howd it go?" she asked opening the door for me.

"it went okay, i improved a lot since a year ago"

"thats good to hear" she smiled walking into the elevator, me following right behind her.

Bruises [L.S]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora