
Soft, melodic sounds began to call out to the lost soul who had been wondering the pitch black halls that comprised themselves into small, meticulous whispers of air.

Voices clouded the mind of the lost soul who was so cold, lonely, and afraid. Shivering in the corner of the hall as one whisper had noticed the new person sitting in the corner.

That little whisper began humming a soft melody alerting the others that a new soul was slowly coming to the light. And as that lost soul began to believe nothing else was to come. Nothing was going to save the soul who was trapped.

A warm, smooth voice reached out to the soul, gently placing the hand that belonged to the voice onto the shoulder of the soul. The soul looked up to see who was there, to see beautiful woman that looked very familiar.

"We've been waiting for you." The woman smiled kindly at the young soul who was cowering in the corner.

"Where am I?" The soul interjected as the woman pulled the soul up to their feet. Pulling them along the long corridor of blackness.

With each step the soul took, a neon puddle on the floor would glow a bright color. Signaling the steps to a new beginning. With each step the soul began to change into a young woman with long, smooth, white hair made up of a million hairs. Making the mane of the soul thick and luscious, making it fall all the way down to the floor, trailing behind in a straight line.

The soul's body began to come into the light as a new change, the skin glistened white and sparkled whenever the soul turned their body in a certain way. Deep, forest, green orbs in the center of the soul's face that had seen the pain of those suffering.

Thick, pink, blood filled lips blossomed on the soul's face, allowing words to be spoken. Upon her body flowed a beautifully, long, flowing dress that was neither a color nor a shade. It was more of a light, glowing in the darkness of the night, guiding the way.

"For many centuries, my darling, we have long awaited for you to come here. In the darkness and depths of Asteria." The tall woman bellowed out as she grew taller and taller.

The whisps around them made a path for them to follow, guiding them up a series of staircases.

"I still dont understand why I am here." Soul cried out as she looked around, trying to find the friends and family she had left behind.

"Please, my sweet girl, do not fret. I do not wish to hurt you. If I did, you wouldn't still be here. We have come to show you who you truly are." Soul nodded as she stood infront of a giant pool of water. A token placed in her hand, the woman motioning for her to flip it into the water.

With a small, yet forceful flick of her thumb. The token flew through the air and plummeted into the depths of the waters below. To where, the soul did not know. Maybe to another world such as this. Was this a world? Or just a fantasy made up in her head.

"We are both darling. Asteria is a realm inside of your mind that has been their since the day you were conceived. As it was in the female before you, since the dawn of druids, and even before then. Asteria is a place of serene peace and tranquility. Somewhere where you were born in, we are those who were before you. Here to guide you as you journey to the next chapter in your life." The woman continued to say as many other whisps began to transform into their human counterparts.

"You mean...I'm never going to see Pogue or my brothers again? I'm gonna die!?" Soul asked deeply afriad of what the woman was going to tell her. Looking up at the woman with concern and fright in her eyes.

"No my child, you will. Just...in a different light." The woman, whose hand placed itself upon Soul's cheek, reassured her.

"Now gaze into the waters and see first hand what is going on down in Earth." The woman forced softly Soul's face towards the water.

Soul's eyes turned a bright shade of white as her essence was pulled into the water. Envisioning that she was back on Earth once more.

Breathing heavily, the soul turned to see what was happening all around her. In one corner was Caleb and Chase fighting to the death, in another corner was Sarah who was surrounded by a pit of fire, the third corner was Tyler and Reid at the Fall Fest worried for their family.

The fourth corner was the one that made the soul want to give up and scream, seeing the precious life of her lover's hanging in the balance.

Pogue Parry, son of Ipswitch, was laying on an hospital bed next to another. Holding the hand of the person next to him, his face was battered and bruised, as was his whole body.

The soul was heart wrenched placing her hands onto Pogues face, she began to cry loudly. Wishing she could've been there to help him. To warn him that Chase wasn't who he was.

"I'm sorry I failed you my love." The soul leaned down, placing the pink, blood filled lips that she was once gifted with upon his forehead. Her lips began to glow a small, bright white as if curing him.

"You didn't fail him my sweet girl. His love for you is what kept him going, knowing that you were hurt, hurt him. Knowing that he had failed you, by not protecting you. It was his only mission in life, and yet, he failed it. Your love for each other is what is keeping each other alive. It's what is keeping your little blessing alive as well." The woman hummed softly as she began to walk away from the waters as the soul's essence was pulled back.

"What do you mean my little blessing?" The soul interjected once more at the woman, running towards her.

"In all due time my darling. For now, it is time for you to return back to Earth. But don't worry, we will always be with you, in your mind. In your soul. In your Power." The voices of each whisp began to transcend and leave the ear range of the young soul.

Through something magical and special, the soul was once more returned to her own body on Earth.

Whispers could be heard all around her as her eyes began to flutter open slowly and softly.


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