I make my towards it, find a tree and sit. I'm gunna have to think about my next moves carefully. There is one of my powers that no one knows anything about.

Looks like that's gunna be my ultimate weapon In finding the absolute truth. Instead of this half truth nonsense. I will find out. I have to.

For the sake of my kind and our future.


"Zalariah, wake up."

"Just 5 more minutes".

"No, Zalariah, you have to wake up. We need to talk. I still have to explain about the scar on your stomach. And I have information on yannah."

"Seriously. Can I not get a break for 5 minutes? This is rediculous."

I keep mumbling away. I slowly open my eyes and see none other the man who is to share my powers.

I look around, I'm still at the lake. I must have dozed off.

I slowly stand with out looking at the man himself. I CANT let him squeeze in anymore. I start walking back the way I came.

I hear him following. But that's not what has my attention.

It's the girl from before. I CANT stop thinking about what she said.

I pick up my pace. I feel like crying. I feel angry. I don't know what to do just yet. But I need a plan for what I'm about to do.

"Zalariah, slow down. What's wrong?"

"I should have seen it before. I CANT believe I trusted you Ezekiel. You know it's funny. I tried not believing her. But I can smell it on you. The least you could have done before coming to me is showering."

I CANT believe I didn't see it before. Or atleast smell it. He smells of another female. And arousal. I know it's arousal because it's arousing me to a point. Until I smell her too.

"Wh- What d-do what do you mean? I don't know what your talking about. It's been a long day. Come home. We can talk.".

Is he serious right now? Does he think I'm that stupid?

" I can smell her on you Ezekiel. So tell me, was it straight after I left this morning? Or was it right before you came to get me so you can rub it in my face that you have another. One that's not scarred or scorned from her life's misgivings, one that's beautiful enough for you to sleep with even when you have found your mate. Shove the mate thing up your arse Ezekiel. I'll find a way to save my kind on my own. I'll also find a way to remove your mark. And believe me Ezekiel. That's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Zalariah stop for a second. I'm sorry ok. I'm an alpha. I know your not ready for that step yet so I found my release somewhere else. I don't want to push you into something you dont want to do. I also didn't lay with them and snuggle or anything. It's not like that. I love you and i mean that. Please just thi-"

"Ezekiel, shut up. I don't want your excuses. You should have waited. If you respected me, you would have waited for me. But no. You couldn't even do that so how am I supposed to trust you with helping me save the world, see  I CANT even trust you to stay faithful to me. I don't want to hear anything else from you. I want to be alone and i want my own room."


"No I don't want to hear it"

I'd like to think I'm not stupid. But trusting someone like that, was a stupid move on my part.

We make it back to the house. I open every door looking for an empty room. There are many doors that lead to different things. Library, study, office, bedrooms, bathrooms, linen cupboards,  another hall way, to say this place is huge, would be an understatement But I soon find what I'm looking for. I turn to Ezekiel.

"I want this room if I'm going to be staying here."

I turn to leave but he grabs my arm and pushes me up against the wall.

"I won't have you sleeping on your own. Now just listen to me. Just listen. I didn't sleep with anyone today. I ran into a girl that I slept with while you were in hospital which technically we weren't together. I still dont know if we are, but anyway I ran into her and she hugged me. Her names kelly and we haven't done anything for a little while. Atleast not since I marked you or since we had our talk about mates. I wouldn't have done anything had we actually been together like mates are supposed to be. I don't want to push you and yes I had my release. But not while we have been together. I would never. As for the scent you can smell on me, that's you, that's your smell mixing with mine because you bear my mark. It's not as potent as it would be when you mark me but it smells different to you because you will be close to your heat. Heat usually happens within the first month of being marked. But with an alphas mark it's usually within the 2 weeks. I'd say you have about 3 days if you can't even recognise your own smell on me. Now are ya coming back to our room?"

"I don't trust you Ezekiel. Yes I can smell my scent on you too, but I can also smell the other shewolf. I dont trust you and whether or not you want me sleeping on my own, its not your decision to make. I either sleep on my own in my own room in the house, or i sleep on my own out in the woods. But i swesr to you  i am not sleeping in the same room as you. So what will it be, Alpha?"

"Fine. Have your own room. But I'm sleeping outside your door. You night not trust me, but trust me when i say, i wont make it an easy decision for you to just give up on me."

I just nod my head in agreement. It's not like he is going to be In there with me, but is still giving me my space.

This man, so confusing, so strong, so sweet. But that lingering feeling of mistrust from anothers words has already seeded my thoughts with doubts.

I seriously need to get to the bottom of what kelly said today. Even though she has bedded my mate, I still feel as though I have to trust atleast a little of what she said. I don't know but  somewhere deep Inside I feel as though I have to believe what she had to say. It's almost a feeling I CANT control. Almost as though there's a time limit. Almost as though she is someone I will need when the time comes.

On my way inside my room all I can think about is Kelly's words. The more I think about her, the more I feel as though she is familiar.


So chapter 11 is up. Sorry for the late update.

Christmas can be a pain. But as they say;

It's a wonderful time of year.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy and safe new year.

Til next time.


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