"Why are we doing this?" Pogue questioned his best friend.

"I saw the darkling again today." Caleb answered back as he stared at the doors.

"Yeah, but why break into the admissions office?" Pogue confused and oblivious to the reasoning asked again.

"I want to know more about Chase Collins." Caleb answered once again as they both stood by the doors waiting for the best opportunity.

"Look I dont even like the guy. Are you sure you weren't just imagining this?" Pogue asked, trying to figure out another reasoning to why Caleb thought this about Chase.

"Look I'm telling you, his eyes were as black as night." Caleb insisted as Pogue just shrugged.

"All right." With that, Caleb's eyes turned into a ring of fire which unlocked the doors, letting the boys walk inside.


While Caleb and Pogue were searching for answers about Chase Collins, Chase had devious and malicious plans of his own. He had known that Angelic was inside the infirmary, which just made his plans even greater and more opportunistic.

Sitting down beside the girl who looked so much like sleeping beauty in that moment, Chase mumbled a serious of Latin words causing spiders to crawl out of the depths and onto the bed beside her. Each spider took its place, expressing and revealing its fangs before they seeped deep inside of her smooth, velvety flesh.

After each bite was created, the spiders disintegrated as fast as they came. Leaving Chase with a huge smirk on his face, as he stood up to leave, Angelica's hand raised. Tracing a rumen into the air like she was being controlled, the rune then placed itself onto the back of Chases neck. Beginning to work its magic as fast as it was placed.


"Well, how sick is she?" Sarah questioned the nurse who was calling her about the now unconscious Angelica, which laid on one of the beds.

"She came in complaining of stomach pains and nausea. Within an hour, she had a 101- degree fever." The nurse recalled as he held his clipboard in his hands.

"What could it be?" Sarah asked worriedly for one of her best friends health.

"The doctor is checking on her now, we'll call you when we know more." The gentle old nurse insisted, but was soon shot down by Sarah.

"It's okay. I'm coming over there." Sarah told the nurse as she hung up the phone and told Kate to get dressed so they could go see Angelica.


Sarah and Kate had arrived at the infirmary, just as the Doctor told the nurse to call to get her transported to Gloucester. Sarah and Kate were worried once they heard about the transfer.

"Why are you taking her to the hospital in Gloucester?" Sarah remanded to hear as the Doctor stood beside Sarah and Kate, as Kate held onto Sarah's arm in concern.

"Her temperature jumped to 105...and she is showing signs of anaphylactic shock." The doctor concluded as Sarah's expression changed suddenly.

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