Angelica sat down beside Pogue and Caleb, getting her notebook and English work out of her bag before hanging it on the back of her chair. Chatting was heard in every direction that Angelica could hear, her legs crossed around her desk. The pencil in her hand gliding across a blank piece of paper, creating silly and amusing doodles.

Books setting themselves down next to her made Angelica's attention split up to see the sight of her dazzling boyfriend. Pogue smiled softly and whispered a soft hi before sitting down, followed by Caleb who sat on the other side of Pogue.

"I missed you." Pogue whispered over to her softly as his eyes caught sight of the cute little doodles that she always draws when she was trying to escape the noises around her.

"Me too." A slightly exhausted Angelica had whispered to her boyfriend whose small smile formed into a bright one.

Her heart fluttered when she saw the beautiful smile that applied itself to Pogue's face. It was a beautiful sight that she could never get over.

Their teacher came into view and began taking attendance before talking towards their direction.

"Mr. Danvers, Provost Higgins requests the pleasure your company after class." Angelica's head snapped over to Caleb with a confused look on her face.

Ppgue just shrugged as Caleb was a bit taken aback at the news that Mr. Pennyworth had given him.

"We are going to study four American contemporary writers of fiction. First is Cromac McCarthy, then Tim O'brien, Kent Haruf, and last but not least, Stephen King." Mr. Pennyworth listed as Angelica winced every time the chalk hit the board.

Grabbing her pen, she wrote down each other names so that she didn't forget them.

Pogue chuckled aoftly as he watched his girlfriend intently listen to their teacher, outstreching his hand and placed it on her lower back. Rubbing it in circles with the pad of his thumb.

"Yeah! Dreamcatcher was the shit!!" Reid shouted, resulting in him getting a few laughs.

"Thank you Mr. Garwin, but no. My choice is The Shining." Mr. Pennyworth explained to the class, including Reid who just shrugged softly.


Class was soon over, which meant that it was now time for a free period. Pogue and the boys left Angelica to go to swim practice, which left Angelica to go to the library where she found a familiar face.

"What is that?" Kate asked in curiosity while Angel just sat down across from Sarah and Kate.

"Heys guys." Angelica calmly intervened before Sarah could reply.

"Caleb's family history." Sarah explained softly, causing Angel's attention to focus on Sarah.

"Did you two know that the witchcraft thing started here in Ipswitch?" Sarah queried at the two girls.

"Its just a bunch of nonsense in my opinion." Angekica implied with her face down in her book, working on the homework Mr. Pennyworth gave them.

Sarah and Kate just nodded softly before all three of the girls packed up their things, beginning to head back to their dorm for the rest of the day.


"Your being ridiculous!" Angelica yelled at Pogue as she stood in Kate and Sarah's dorm room.

Pogue, standing in front of the door, retaliated back with more anger.

"What is your problem?" Angelica called out at Pogue with fury in her voice.

"Chase is my problem!" Pogue answered honestly.

"What, are you jealous?" Angelica questioned with disbelief in her voice, dripping like a faucet.

"I dont want you hanging around him." Pogue's voice got higher as Angelica stood her ground.

"Look, he's just a friend. One that I don't hang out with most of the time." Angelica threw the honest answer at Pogue who took it as a challenge.

"Yeah, right. I'm sure he is interested in being just friends." Pogue snarled at her before slamming the door behind him as he left.

Angelica didn't know what had gotten into him. She didn't understand how he could think that her and Chase were anything more then just friends. She honestly thought that Chase had the hots for Kate out of everyone in their friend group.

Breaking down into a fit of years, Sarah and Kate held onto the grill before she hit the ground.

'Looks like I'm not going home for a while.'

Angelica shook her head in her hands as she continued to cry hysterically. The two girls brought the weeping girl over to to Kate's bed and laid her down.

Sarah and Kate both stayed their to comfort their broken best friend until Sarah had to meet up with Caleb for dinner. Kate stayed with her best friend and held her the rest of the night.

An hour later, Angelica had stopped crying, but was still hurting at the fact that Pogue didn't trust her anymore. Through everything they had been through, that was the worst thing that could've happened.

Kate was nice enough to make the two of them some dinner, but suddenly Angelica shot up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up the food that she just ate and had for lunch that day. Her temperature was through the roof and she couldn't understand why she was sick.

"Hey Kate, I think I'm gonna head to the infirmary okay?" Anngelica told her friend as Kate nodded.

"I hope you feel better sweetie." Kate interjected before Angel had left her room.

"Thanks girl." Angelica replied before walking down the corridor to the infirmary.

"Hoe may I help you dearie?" The nurse asked Angelica softly, with a caring voice.

"Hi, um, I just threw up and I haven't been feeling the best recently." Angelica told the nurse honestly while rubbing her belly softly. Hoping the pain would go away soon.

The kind nurse lead her to a room to wait for the doctor, Angelica thanked her before laying down on the bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, her eyes shut instantly and transported her into a deep, succumbed state.

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