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Despite his reluctance, Haldir knew that it would be useless to voice such. He had been ordered to do something, and that is what he would do, whether he liked it or not. He was not one to challenge his Lady. He knew that she had a reason for giving him a seemingly useless task, though what it was, he could only guess. Though, guess he did, and he realized, there was something different. More then just the weight that the boy had on him despite his youth. There was something...interesting about him. Underneath the darkness in his eyes, the wariness in his gaze, and the cautiousness in his language. Galadriel had seen it, the way the boy's magic curled around him. 

The moment Haldir finally noticed, he wondered how it was that he could not have noticed. It would seem as though it were so obvious. How the magic just naturally flowed through the boy. He wondered if perhaps that was why he was so much more capable. He had heard from Legolas what happened within the Mines, and when they got out of them. This boy, this teenager, had managed to crumble a fully fledged mountain, with little effort. After which he woke up snot too long after passing out.

Which was yet another feat that the boy seemed do be somewhat confused about. As though it were only to be expected, and then he seemed to have realized something and laughed it off. After such an impressive feat Haldir would have assumed that someone so young would have been incapacitated for quite some time. Yet, that had not been the case. In fact Haldir would wager that his magic was quite advanced for someone so young. He was clearly competent in his magic, knew his limits, and was more then capable of preforming under pressure. From what Legolas had spoken, which was not much in the little moments that they had managed, he was more then able to fight. 

Haldir had to wonder, how it was that he had not really managed to figure it out sooner. Perhaps that was a mishap on his part. For one so young, his connection to magic was incredibly strong. The way that it moved about him, as though trying to comfort him. It was...a fascinating thing to see, and Haldir felt quite idiotic that he had not noticed this earlier. It had attacked Aragorn, had it not? Previously, Haldir had thought that perhaps it was because he was simply frightened and had lashed out at Aragorn, and yet...it was far more then that was it not? Perhaps, it was not necessarily something that he boy had meant to happen. Perhaps...his magic had lashed out of its own accord?

It was not exactly impossible, Haldir supposed. Though it was incredibly uncommon. Given how the boy's magic was forming around him, however, he would say that perhaps the other was a rare case in this instance. Haldir had seen the rush of magic that he had, and in order to hide his presence from the Lady ,he would have had to be powerful, but to have such a degree of power? So much wrapped among someone so young? It was...a dangerous thing. Especially given how emotional it was that this boy held within him, and furthermore it would seem as though his magic was tightly interwoven with his emotions.

However, Haldir was not an expert, and though his careful observations of the boy currently suggested that to be the best theory, he would need to as someone who had more understanding of the arts then he did. Legolas, perhaps, would be better for this conversation. He would ask the boy, and he doubted that the other would refuse...necessarily...to answer the questions he had, but he would have to 'ask the right' questions. Something that he felt he would not be capable of. 

The boy was...still exactly that. It was something that Haldir knew that he would forget more so then not. He was furious when the other had decided to play games with the Lady, but then again, he was but a teenager. What else should he expect from one so young. Of course the other was going to mess around, to play games. He supposed he sort of forgot a lot of the time that children enjoyed games. Though, perhaps saying he was a teenager was a bit different than him being a child, but in many ways, the boy was still so very young Even for a mortal. Haldir felt remorse surge through him. He had...perhaps been a little too hasty in his judgements. Something that he most certainly was not proud of. 

Haldir moved up towards Loki. He knew that his Lady had only ordered him to watch the boy, and make sure that he did not harm himself...or someone else. Galadriel seemed to worry that the boy was...more unstable then he seemed to come across as. Though, observing the boy, he would say that perhaps Galadriel had a point. His Lady was rarely wrong after all. Furthermore, he seemed...jumpy at the best of times, especially should someone come up behind him that he was unable to hear. He also was not a fan of being touched, fi the incident with Aragorn showed them anything.

"Are you sure..." Haldir questioned the boy. 

"Yes, I am sure." The youth said gently. His voiced was quiet, soft, and lacking any of the playful aura that he had with the Lady. It was as though he were an entirely new person. Haldir was not entirely certain how to feel about that. 

He was also not entirely sure how he should feel at the fact that the boy was refusing dinner. After all, part of the reason, according to hi, that he had ended up passing out was due to a lack of eating.  

"Very well," Haldir said, knowing when it was useless a cause. He also knew better then to push the teenager too hard. 

After all, given how powerful he was, and should his magic respond to his emotions as much as Haldir was beginning to believe that they did, they would be pretty...damned should he get angry, or feel threatened. Honestly, Haldir wondered just how much destruction it was that he could cause.

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