Kageyama: Meat Buns

Start from the beginning

 "Everything good?" Suga asked. He had a point in asking after witnessing Kageyama nearly strangle poor Hinata. You looked up at him with a sweet smile. 

 "Yeah, for now. Hinata and Kageyama are gonna work on adjusting their quick strikes to help each other," you looked back at Kageyama. Hinata nodded avidly. 

 "That's great and all, but we were talking more about hugging Kageyama. How did you manage to do that and come out alive?" Asahi asked jokingly. Kageyama blushed harder.

 "Well it's Y/N. If Y/N hugs, you hug back without protest. It's one of the basic laws of nature," Daichi shrugged. You and Asahi laughed. 

 "But Hinata? How did that happen?" Nishinoya joined in. 

 "Ooh. Fair point, Noya, I gotta hand it to ya," Tanaka nodded with a thoughtful finger tapping at his chin, "That's a tricky one." 

 "I guess Y/N put him under a spell or something," Hinata explained expertly, "And besides, Kageyama would never push Y/N away!" he teased Kageyama. You blushed slightly. The boys laughed as Kageyama turned ferociously towards Hinata and flicked him on the temple with a bit more force than what was needed. You returned to Ukai, who clapped you on the back. 

 "Well, that's a first," he smiled. 

 You shook your head while looking down at the floor. On the court, you watched Kageyama say something to Hinata and then walk to where he would set the ball from. Once more, Hinata failed to hit the quick strike, but you did see a change in the speed of the ball. Kageyama was adjusting. Hinata missed a couple more times before the two were interrupted by Ukai. 

 "Okay, boys, what do you think needs to change?" he implored them to figure out the solution by themselves.

 "Well, for starters, Hinata should start hitting my quick strikes!" Kageyama shouted.

 "Not what I was looking for, but you're not wrong. Y/N, how would you go about this?" Ukai turned to you. 

 "I - what? Why me?" you didn't want to say something wrong. 

 "Okay then, you don't have to tell us. But why don't you show us? You're a middle blocker, right? Hinata, switch with Y/N!" Ukai beckoned a relieved Hinata over. 

 You gave him a pleading look. He nodded in the direction of where Hinata had been standing on the court. Alright then. You walked over timidly. Everyone was watching. You braced yourself to potentially fail, embarrass yourself and then never be able to show yourself to anyone on the face of the earth. What could go wrong? 

 Kageyama gave you a glance before getting ready. He hit the ball. It shot into the air at lightning speed. You ran, using a burst of stamina you never knew you could produce. You jumped in the air as high as you could - which was still nothing compared to Hinata's monster jumps - and used the full length of your right arm to reach for the ball. You squinted your eyes with the fear of not being able to reach it. As your palm batted downwards, you felt the familiar material of a volleyball come into contact with it. You landed. On the other side of the court, the smack of the volleyball hitting the floor sounded. Your palm was stinging. Everything was silent. Then suddenly, all the boys standing by Coach Ukai yelled victoriously. You looked to your left with a surprised smile on your face. Hinata was jumping up and down. Kageyama just stood there, his face unreadable. Coach Ukai was giving you a slow applause. 

 "See? I told you guys Y/N knows how to do a quick strike," Coach Ukai told everyone. 

 "Wow! That was like fwoosh! And then you were like kapow! And then the ball hit the floor like whack!" Hinata animatedly recounted what he had just seen with wide, childish eyes and an awed smile. You laughed. 

 "Well, um. That was great Kageyama," you turned around to face the still quiet boy, "Nice job."

 "Okay, everyone, let's do a run through," Coach Ukai motioned for everyone to gather around.

 "Uh, Coach?" you tried to catch his attention. He looked your way. "I'm already running late, and my mom's gonna be home any second, so could I please leave?" 

 "Sure, kid. Don't be late tomorrow, you got it?" he pointed an index finger at you. You nodded.

 "Got it. Bye everyone," you waved to everyone as you slipped your arms into your bag and pushed past the metal doors into the night air. 

 "Bye, Y/N!" you heard the boys and Kiyoko chant in unison. As you were walking away from the gymnasium, you heard footsteps catch up behind you. You turned around to see Kageyama standing by the entrance. You smiled at him.

 "Oh. Hey," you began. He paused to catch his breath. 

 "Hey," as monotonous as ever. 

 "Um, great job out there. Your sets are amazing. Hinata just needs to adjust to them," you shrugged.

 "Yeah," he looked down, "Listen. Next time, jump higher if you want to hit one of my sets, okay? Your jumps are weak; you only hit that ball because of your arm length. And your aim is off."

 "Huh?" you were confused. Why would he come out here just to lecture you on why you did badly?

 "I - uh," he blushed again, "I know you don't play for Karasuno, but it could help your team. I didn't mean to say it like that."

 "It's cool, Kageyama. Thank you, I guess."

 "Uh - do you," he trailed off, leaving you wondering what he wanted to say. Now, he just stood there again. You tilted your head to the side. 

 "Kageyama, do you like meat buns?" now you were also blushing. He looked up with widened eyes.

 "They're okay."

 "I know a place near Karasuno that does some really good meat buns. Do you maybe wanna go there after practice tomorrow?" 

 "Uh - sure."

 "Great," you smiled at him, "After practice tomorrow then. Goodnight, Kageyama". And with that, you walked off with a small salute behind you. You heard nothing except for a mumbled 'Goodnight' and the patter of steps receding back into the gym. As you walked farther away, you heard the faint sound of the boys cheering from the gym. You hoped practice wouldn't take long tomorrow.   

Haikyuu Imagines: Karasuno EditionWhere stories live. Discover now