"No. Let me finish." She said, "How could you just let me walk away like that. How could you just let me go. Let all the shit we've been through and put up with go ?" She wiped the tears that slowly went down her cheek, "And - And then you're going to start dating a girl just to rub in my face. I bet she barely put up with half the shit I had been through to stick with your grimy ass !"

She stared up at me but I was lost for words, "You've hurt me Tyler. I really loved you. But you scarred me. You'd made me terrified of falling for someone and then them just leaving my life. You made love so fucking complicated for me."

"I apologize for that Milyn. I apologize for doing all that shit. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Don't apologize. I actually want to thank you."

I stared at her oddly, "I want to thank you for helping find love again. Without all that damage you caused me I wouldn't have met Montell. He's a good guy."

She started playing with her hair and staring at the ground, "I'm done Tyler." Her eyes finally met mine, "You said you would never hurt me, but you lied again. I had enough of this toxic ass relationship we were in. I'm exhausted from the circles we kept going in as well."

I grabbed her hands, "Milyn don't this."

"I'm sorry Tyler but I moved on. I no longer feel the same about you anymore."

"Milyn don't say that. You don't fucking mean it !"

"I want to be able to look at you," She cried, "And not be able to feel so much hurt from you." 

She wiped away the tears, "But I can't." She finished.

She slowly took her hands out of mine, "I'm sorry Tyler."

She opened her front door and looked at me before closing it behind her.

No ! This isn't how this shit was supposed to be. This wasn't our outcome ! I twisted the knob on her door but it was lock.

"Milyn !" I yelled but got no reply, "Milyn open the damn door !" I started banging on the front door, "Milyn !" I yelled.

I banged on the door a couple of times before stopping.



I sat in bed just thinking.

What the fuck just happened ? She was my girl, she’s always been on my mind. I can tell she ain’t love me no more, by the look in her eyes. It hurts. I saw the tears coming down her face when I figure out she was sad by the presence of me. She wasn’t happy anymore. It tears me apart that I can’t just think straight anymore. I loved her in every inch of her personality and I can say I’m the only reason why she isn’t happy anymore, because I can feel it. I screw everything from smallest amount of our relationship to the biggest shit that can be. She’s all I think about and no one else. I tried to forget her, but every time I do, feelings are coming back. I’m not the man who she loved. I can tell she’s happy with someone else. I might not see it with my own eyes but my heart can feel it and it’s breaking apart. But, before I let her go, I wanted to say I loved her more than anything in this world. I lied to her, because I still want to protect her. But, she doesn’t need me anymore. Because her heart doesn’t belong to me anymore. 

It belongs to someone else.




Milyn POV 

I closed the door and bit my bottom lip as I silently cried. I never knew that Tyler would be the person i'd ever have to say goodbye to. It hurts so bad but he's not healthy for me anymore. I have to move on.Even though it's going to be so hard. I lost a friend and it's pretty fucked up. 

I looked up and saw Montell staring at me.

"Where's Mell ?" I asked.

"He's asleep."


He walked up closer to me and quickly pulled me into a tight hug as I cried on his shoulders, "I love you okay ?" He whispered as I sobbed on his shoulders, "We can take our relationship slow alright ?"

I nodded my head as I cried, "Montell I love you." 

"I love you too baby."





Excuse any spelling mistakes.

Sooooo, it's over guys.


Comment me what's on your minds.

But, sequel or nah ?


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