17. Extinct Languages Should Stay Extinct

Start from the beginning

 "It's 4 in the afternoon, Thor." Cap said, exhausted. "We'll be training at 11 pm."

 "Then that we shall."

 "No, we shall not." Tony interrupted, scrunching his eyes. "I need my beauty sleep."

 "I'm okay with that." Percy piped up, as Rin nodded next to him, both with eager looks.

 "No. You need your sleep, otherwise you won't grow up." Steve countered, rubbing his temple.

 "I'm tall, you know."

 "Well, Rin isn't."

 "Hey! don't insult my height."

 "Okay, okay, let's stop it here." Thor waved a hand. 

 "But to be honest, I would love to see Percy and Rin training."

 "Oh really." Percy raised an eyebrow. "We both suck at archery. So don't keep your hopes up."

 "Oh don't compare it with me, brother."

 Rin rolled her eyes at Percy. "At least my arrows go forward. You nearly shot Chiron, and he was behind you. Even Clarisse said that I had more hope than you on archery."

 "I have no idea who Chiron is, and BTW that's a pretty weird name, but you should definitely not try it again." I announced. Shooting arrows that go backwards? That's an interesting talent. 

 That should never be used.

 "I totally agree with you."

 Rin answered, as she flopped into the sofa, her lollipop sticking out of her mouth.

 "Right. We'll be training in exactly 2 hours. And no, Thor, you won't be sneaking out," Steve called at Thor, who was starting to hesitantly stand up. Loki snickered, tossing his black hair out of the way, as Thor+Tony+Bruce+Me groaned at Steve, while Natasha just rolled her eyes, muttering something that sounded like "toys." I must've mistaken the word "Boys," since Natasha is way past the age of playing with 'toys'. From personal experience, she gets disgusted by even talking about toys, so yeah.

 "Can I have a pack of jelly beans before we start?" Percy asked timidly. He had somehow sneaked over to the cupboard and a pack of blueberry jelly beans was grasped in his hand.

 I blinked. Natasha blinked as well, and I knew that we were wondering the same thing.

 How did he sneak 7 meters in the Avengers Tower without two highly capable agents, along with one super soldier, two gods, and one... genius realizing?

 Percy began to rip the pack as soon as Steve gave a surprised, and hesitating nod. He didn't seem to understand the situation, and nor did Thor and Loki, who were happily bickering about who should sit in the sofa that was directly located under the sunlight. Minus happily.

 "Um... where's Rin?" 

 Tony suddenly asked, looking around. And sure enough, she was nowhere to be found.

 "Wait... where is she?" I muttered, surprised as well.

 "Oh, she went to the bathroom, like, five minutes back." Percy answered, as the pack burst open, sending a flood of blue onto the floor.


  Two kids who could sneak around the place without the Avengers noticing? Huh... I glanced at Natasha, who had her eyebrows raised suspiciously at Percy.

 For me? I have no idea what to think.

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