Fallen angels

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Sorry for the little wait I wasn't busy I was just lazy but I Question for all my little simps... people I meant people... what's your favorite song? Me "not ready to die" it's uh... good song... and it happened to appear in one of my favorite games))

Amity pov

Graphic warning if you have a soft stomach and a good imagination I advise caution because It's literally just pain))

My eyes slowly open my entire body was in pain the area around me was dark and next to me was luz she was unconscious looking like a fallen angel.

"So why did you need me to catch these two don't you hate them both as much as I do?" I hear Boscha "never mind that it was a dumb question but our payment i don't want to be mean but can we have it?" Boscha said "thank you now excuse us we'll be on our way" Boscha said as she left.

I look down to the floor to see blood all over me and all over the ground a trail of blood leaded to luz and she was covered in blood too.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs "oh amity you were supposed to be the perfect girl where did you go wrong you can't stop doing the stuff your siblings do your just under their shadow do something to make your parents proud of you for once... but sadly not even I can be impressed and I'm your mother" my mom said as I look up to face her "you are not my mother you're a monster!" I snapped at her "oh amity don't you get it you are worthless you may be best in the school but your gay you have no true friends no one likes you except the human And who really likes the human... you" my mom said as she knelt down to my height and touched my face "face it amity no one loves you and you'll rot here before anyone can change their minds" my mom added as she got up and walked into the darkness out of my sight

I hear a sound of a match being lit.

"No hard feelings huh sweetie?" My mother's voice echoed throughout this basement of hell

Her footsteps began again coming closer and louder with a light getting brighter and brighter as she came closer.

"Ugh where... am I?" Luz slowly woke "oh she's awake this will be fun" my mother's voice echoed again "amity where are we? Why are we tied up what's going on!?" Luz panicked as I look down with no hope "Cmon Amity look" I looked up to see my mother in front of Luz holding a lit candle

My mom grabbed Luz by her shoulder and shoved the candle into her burning her. Luz screamed in pain pure pain in her scream as I sat there and watched I couldn't do nothing I am nothing there isn't anything I can even do.

The screams of Luz getting louder and louder as the candle burned more and more.

Luz's scream was echoing as tears fell from her eyes.

I closed my eyes as I looked down and the screaming stopped I hear the candle being put down and I hear something getting picked up.

Then the screaming began once again as I sat there hopeless.

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