I start coughing, and blood dribbles out of my mouth.

"That's enough. We're done for today," Killian says coldly, and immediately, everyone in the circulus rise to their feet. My Sight is strong right now, strong enough to Know that Maryn, Jae, and Layla are discussing whether they should kill Mila before leaving, and if they should, who gets to do it.

I catch Maryn's eyes and shake my head slightly. Mila might be a bitch, but she's also going through a lot with the missing vampires. She was friends with all of them, and blames herself for not being there to help them when they were taken. I'm not a vengeful person in the slightest, and don't hold Mila's bad attitude against her, and especially don't want to see her killed for it.

Dorian, who was previously looking at me sadly, looks to Killian. "When will you be back?"

"When we have more information," Killian says stoically. "We have absolutely nothing else to talk about until we find anything out. Comb through your territory and look for anything left behind by them. We'll do the same."

"Sorry," I apologize, coughing some more. "I wish I could have been more helpful."

"You've done more than enough for us, Katrina," Dorian says, looking at me with so much pity I almost throw up more blood.

Blood, blood, blood. All my life consists of anymore.

I hope in the afterlife, I finally stop bleeding.

The thought almost makes me smile, filling my body with hope at the prospect of— for once in my life— peace. Silence.

When I stand up, I sway slightly, extremely dizzy. My knees give out and I crumple, but Killian catches me at the waist before I hit the ground. He picks me up and holds me tightly, and for some reason, I think of Cain and Ares. Something is going to happen with them today, I can sense it.

Knox puts his hand on Gabe's shoulder, and Maryn holds Jae's hand, squeezing tightly, as if she can sense her hopelessness just as well as I can in this moment. Layla wraps her arm around Kage's waist and leans into him, sighing sleepily. Kage's shadows nearly completely disappear, though his blank expression doesn't change.

I can see it, without my Sight, how connected the circulus is, how much they all care for each other. A weird emotion floods my chest, making my eyes sting.

With all of us tethered, Killian sends us into the in between, and we land in the Pack House.

Kage holds up the book. "Where do you want me to put this?"

I sigh. "I don't care. The library, anywhere. It's not going to help until we know how to open it."

Kage nods, and goes to put the horrid book out of my sight. The rest of the circulus leaves after making plans to search the territory tomorrow, and Killian teleports us into his room.

I struggle in Killian's arms. "You can let me down now."


I look up at him, and his eyes are completely black. "Um, Killian..?"

"You would tell me if your Sight was hurting you, right?" Killian asks, his voice hard.

I swallow, needing to take a moment before I start talking. The guilt suffocates me so badly it hurts to breathe. "It does hurt me, Killian. I've told you before that it pushes back."

"But you're okay, right? You bleed and it's over with? No long term damage done?" He shoots the questions out one after another.

I nod. "I bleed and it's over."

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