Project Eclipse (final part)

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I was just sitting in the garden of the laboratory when I saw Mujin with Y/n on his back ,I got worried and I ran to him and asked him what happened




"Alright I just finished analyzing and..."

"what is it ,dear?",Mujin looks worried .I reply, "the thing is that even though we did not placed any change in his genetics to do what he did today ,it seems that he ..his body evolved on its own and what is even more surprising is that his genetic sequence has changed so much in such a short time period that ,we no longer can find the sequence we built..

so in short we do not know what he is capable of doing but .........sigh"

"but what?!",mujin asked .

" even though we do not know what he is capable of doing , I noticed some serious side effets to his healing ability ,when he used his ability to heal the women his body experienced huge stress, it was almost the same stress as if he got shot by the bullet head on  ,but again due to his advanced genome he  managed to absorb it so he is fine now and just sleeping right now .", I said .

"so you are saying that when he heals someone he experiences all the pain that the patient has experienced .",Mujin said in shock .







"Captain! it is about time for the raid ,Commander has summoned you ",a soldier said.


"I will be there ....",Mujin replied but I felt something was wrong he was smiling but I could see his rage.

* the soldier leaves

"what is it ,Mujin",I asked.

He closed the door and came closer to me and Y/n ,"Listen carefully dear, I am going to meet Qidal and .... after ten minutes I will send you a gun and some money as well, take Y/n to your homeland , Korea.I enjoyed the time I could have with my little boy, make sure he gets to live a life as normal as possible ,make sure he lives a strong ,loving and healthy life ....sobs ...sobs and give him lots of strawberries he likes them a lot,hehe "

"what are you talking about ,what about project eclipse ,what about the life of the children here do they not deserve all of this--", I almost shouted 

"They do! and I will make sure to do what I can do ,I do not have time to explain ,all you have to know is that if you do not take Y/n with you today all of his gifts and abilities will fall in to evil hands and then the life of the weak will be completely ruined ....listen our spy in the enemy's HQ was killed ,before he was executed he sent one last letter and he told everything about the spy in our HQ and how all of this was actually planned and it was not Project Eclipse to begin with they just wanted access to our research faculty ,here * he handed me a small diary 

everything is in this ,I have prepared  a carriage with flowers for the martyrs you and Y/n will be leaving in it and they will take you to the border by evening  ,a ship will be waiting for you there it will take you to north Korea and I have some friends in the military there and they will help you in crossing the border to enter south Korea with this much money you will be able to start a new life there...........I know I am asking to much from you but please you have to do this for our little boy and for many other families and orphans !  "he said smiling ,but it was a sad smile........ a last smile before a final goodbye. * he takes off his earring and hands it to me pointing toward y/n and told me to give this to him ,  

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