Chapter 3

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Asya keep rummaging at the papers on her laps, making sure nothing will be left out. She is in a car drove by her driver. Her destination would be the MSBY main training centre which located at Osaka. She intends to meet them when they are still in Tokyo but she is too busy with her works. Thus, she proposes to meet them here.

Asya had arrived at Osaka precisely 2 days ago. Taking her sweets time to play tourists as it had been a long time since she has been here. Her presence actually was not that necessary however her brother decided that it is appropriate for her to meet the team and explain how the sponsorship works. The reason is because she knows most of the team had become the ultimatum and others also encourage her to do so. So, she's here.

The car pull off in front of a building, the MSBY training centre. She got off from the car and was immediately greeted by the team's management. Apparantly, all the teams member had waited in a room which she presumes to be a conference room.

Before she enters the room, she took a deep breath. The door is being opened and she steps in.

Asya give a small smiles to them however it was evident that Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu are really excited to see her. They give a big wave and smile brightly to her, only resulting the captain to cough loudly to them. The three of them immediately put their hand down and put a serious face.

Asya chuckle a little bit seeing this. However, it also put her at ease. She is trying to ignore a certain black hair in the room.

Asya was ushered to sit at the front of the table. She take a breath and said, "Hello everyone. As everyone had been informed, I am Akashi Asya. Today, we will go through the sponsorship contract one by one. If there is any question, please do not hesitate to ask." Asya look at them one by one and she barely make eye contact with Sakusa.

"So, let's start."


After the briefing, Asya is being swarmed by Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu not long after she stand up from her seat. They keep telling stories of their matches and how they win the season. Yes, the MSBY managed to be the champion for the season.

"Asya-chan, come join us for lunch after this." Bokuto had invinted her to join the teams.

"Yes Asya-chan. Join us please?" Hinata agreed with Bokuto and he had made a pleading looks to Asya.

"Sorry." Hearing her reply, the two fall into dejected mode and Asya swears she saw Bokuto hair fall down a little bit.

"Why?" Atsumu asked, kinda dissapointed.

"I had a plan ahead." Asya said at them apologetically. "But, we can hang out tomorrow." Asya give suggestion to them and their face bright up immediately.



Asya currently is at the training centre parking lot, waiting for someone. 'He said to meet him here, but where is he?' Asya looks around to see the figure she looking for.

"Sorry for making you wait." Asya turn around and there is he.

"It's okay." Asya said assuringly and make small wave with her hands to show she does not mind at all.

"They must be pestering you, right? Sakusa."

"Yeah, I just barely managed to escape from them." Sakusa said while making his way to his car.

Asya slowly followed him. Yeah, the guy she meeting is Sakusa. Sakusa do really keep his promises to meet her after the seasons finished. They arranged this meeting through the messages when he texted her last time.

Attraction - sakusa kiyoomi x oc (haikyuu) [Disc]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat