Chapter 21 - Departure Time

Start from the beginning

The whole family woke up to see them off.

Mrs. McBride hugged Judah. "I loved having you with us this year. I hope you make a habit of it."

Judah turned his eyes to Milo. "I hope so, too."

Maggie took a turn hugging him.

Mercer just gave a nod. "I'll see you back at school."

Judah gave them a halfhearted wave and a sad smile. "Bye."

Mrs. McBride pressed the car keys into Milo's hand. "Are you sure you want to go alone?"

Milo pressed his lips together and nodded. "Yeah."

They held hands the whole way to the airport, even after their palms got clammy.

Milo parked in the unloading area and got out to help Judah, even though he only had one bag.

Tears immediately started rolling down Milo's cheeks. "So, this is it then."

"No." Judah wiped his thumbs under Milo's eyes. "This is not it. This isn't over just because I have to go. We'll make this work. We'll text, and call each other, and we'll video chat, so I can see this adorable face." Judah cupped Milo's cheek.

Milo let out a breathy laugh and forced a smile.

"I don't know if you know this, but I'm very attached to you." Judah said. "And I'm not willing to give you up. Especially not after last night. I need that to happen many more times."

Milo pulled Judah in for a kiss. His lips tasted salty from all their crying, but Milo didn't care. Judah certainly didn't seem to when he pushed his tongue through Milo's parted lips.

Milo pulled him closer, holding him as close as they could get until they were almost to the point of crushing each other.

When they broke apart, Judah looked over Milo's face for what seemed like a long time, just studying him. Judah's face suddenly became very serious as he took a deep breath. "I love you."

The admission shocked Milo so much that he forgot to be sad. He even forgot to breathe for several seconds. He gasped, speechless.

Judah clutched both of Milo's hands tight. "I know that sounds crazy. And it's so fast. We haven't even known each other for two full weeks, but I can't imagine my life without you. I've actually actively tried to do it."

Judah shrugged and shook his head as a huge grin spread across his face. "I just can't. Every moment going forward, I see you there—even if it's not in person—sharing it with me."

Milo continued to stare at him, dumbstruck. His mind raced for words to say. Something. Anything. A reciprocation. Even gratitude. But nothing came out.

Judah looked concerned, his lips parting as if he was about to say something. Whatever it might have been was interrupted by his phone beeping. "If I don't go right now, I'm gonna miss the check in for my flight. I'll call you when I get there."

Milo nodded.

"Okay, then." Judah pressed the button on the top of his suitcase to extend the handle. He wrapped his fingers around it and turned away, slowly walking out of Milo's life.

Just as Judah got to the automatic doors, everything he said caught up to Milo all at once. Milo could not let Judah just walk away like this. That could not be how they said goodbye.


Judah paused and looked back over his shoulder.

"I love you, too." Milo shouted, garnering a few stares from passersby.

Judah's lips stretched into that adorable grin that Milo loved so much. He ran back and released his hold on his suitcase to kiss Milo one last time. He let out a breathy laugh and leaned his forehead against Milo's. "You had me a little worried I had freaked you out for a minute there."

Milo started crying again. For a whole new set of reasons. "I love you so much. And you're right. It is absolutely insane to feel like this. But I don't care."

Judah gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you." Milo said again.

Judah laughed. "It feels really good to say that, right?"

"It does."

Judah's smile faded. "I really do have to go."

Milo rubbed Judah's chest, trying to hold back a fresh wave of sorrow. "I know."

"So, one more time for the road?" Judah asked.

"I love you." Milo said.

Judah hugged him tight and kissed him again. He breathed out a heavy sigh. "I love you."

Milo watched Judah walking through the crowd until he could no longer see him. Then he got in the car and drove home alone.

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