Whether he wins her over or not will be another matter entirely and he hopes that his little brother won't mess up. But he'll be with him every step of the way while finding the perfect someone for him as well.

Louise soon finishes up fixing his suit when a knock is heard at the door. A guard soon enters the room as Louise is preparing himself. "Almost ready Prince Louise? You're the only one left that hasn't arrived at the coronation."

"I'll be ready in a moment."

"Yes sire." The guard closes the door and Louise gives himself a last look in the mirror.

"Today, I become king, tomorrow we'll start an empire. We'll fulfill our dreams little brother, and we'll reach them together. And hopefully help you win over your elusive princess...and for me to perhaps find my own wife..."

Louise equips his sword and goes out the door and the guard greets him. "Ready to go sire?"

"Yes, I-"

Louise stops as he takes notice of his surroundings. "Do you feel that?"

"What sir?" The guard asks in confusion.

"Our surroundings...the atmosphere's changed. Call your men quick!" Louise all but snaps as the guard signals his other companions and they all gather towards the prince. They watch with vigilance as their surroundings which were bright a moment ago, descend into darkness. They grip their weapons tightly and sweat trickles down their faces. They never expected intruders managing to enter the Royal Palace and if they managed to do so, then where? What of the rest of the royal family?

These thoughts are interrupted when another group of guards enter the area.

The guard at the head of the new group hastily runs to Louise, exhaustion evident n his movements. "Prince Louise, assassins are converging on our position from multiple directions!" He says as he tries to bow despite the exhaustion but is stopped by Louise.

"It's fine soldier, but where did the enemies come from?" Louise asks.

"From the back areas of the palace sire. Most of our forces were relegated to both the walls of the Capital and the front portion of the palace that the back was lightly guarded."

Louise's eyes are wide with panic. How can they enter the Capital if security was tight just at the entrance? "Then how were they able to enter the palace as well as have weapons!?"

The guard shakes his head. "I don't know sire. They're either very skilled in hiding them or someone gave them weapons. At the moment, Captain Filas is currently battling them and-"

Their conversation is interrupted when a head suddenly rolls over to them with a thud. A soldier checks approaching the severed head with caution and as he removes he takes a good look at the face, he falls down in complete horror.

"I-it's Captain Filas!"

The entire group are in shock. Filas was known to be a top Captain with good swordsmanship and leadership which is the reason why he was placed to be the head of the West Wing's guards. But now, all that's left of the good captain is his severed head and face contorted in a scream. A horrific end that shakes the nerves of even Louise.

Soon, more heads roll over to the group signifying the deaths of more of their comrades.

"Bastards!" A soldier immediately leaves the group and charges forward. His anger clouding his judgement, he's only filled with rage and bloodlust.

Lumieri Chronicles: Rise of the First Empire (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now