Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Even after a week, Corliss's mother was still glaring at her for the way she acted at dinner at the palace. It didn't help that Bridget and Alberich absolutely loved it. Sienna scolded them both for acting like children, having egged Corliss and Meron on. Of course, Bridget complained about being the one in trouble...and while laughing. Gaven's expression any time he glared at her was identical to their mother's, even added a disappointed shake of his head as Corliss grinned sheepishly, waving her goodbyes as he left Ayveri with their parents to go back to Eld.

And maybe...maybe...Corliss shouldn't have added, "Tell Ruvyn I say hi!"

Oh, her brother was going to make her pay for that later on the next time she saw him.

But as for Meron...well, she'd somehow managed to keep her distance from the infuriating male. There was something about that cocky arrogance that had her blood boiling, and she would undoubtedly unleash her fire magic on him the next time he even dared look her way.

Which is what had a flame dancing through her fingers when she opened the door to her apartment, even with her canvas grocery bags in hand.

"What are you doing here?" Corliss ground out through her teeth.

The male in question was leaned back against the opposite wall in the hallway, looking far too casual and yet suspicious for being there by pure happenstance as he tried to make it seem.

One blond brow raised as Meron looked her up and down. "Oh, you live here? I had no idea."

"I asked you a question."

And yet, he still didn't answer.

Corliss let out a frustrated sigh, halfway tempted to give him yet another rude hand gesture as she started down the hallway. "Then I don't have to stick around and deal with you, right? Goodbye, Commander Brandt."

Eyes trailing over her again even as she walked away, Meron pushed off from the wall and followed behind, a leather satchel slung over his shoulder. "Since we haven't seen each other since that lovely dinner where you so rudely treated me, I thought I'd offer to take you out for breakfast if you were up for it."

"I'm not, thanks. I've got plans."

"Market shopping plans?"

"None of your business plans, actually."

"Then if we just happen to be going in the same direction..."

Corliss whirled around to face him, wanting to smack that smile right off that handsome face of his. "What part of the answer no don't you understand? Or do you not understand my not-so-subtle hints of it's none of your business?"

"And if I want to make it my business?"

"Are you always this annoying? How does Alberich even stand to have you around?"

"He's my best friend. He's stuck with me for life whether he likes it or not."

"My poor brother-in-law. And sister for that matter. Now, goodbye."

Corliss turned yet again, practically running down the steps as she attempted to get away from the annoying male behind her. This time, Meron let her go all while laughing from the front doors of her apartment building.

She tried to not think about him, even after a few hours shopping up and down Penrose. She had too much to do, too much she needed to remember to buy. Food for the next week since she planned on staying cooped up in her apartment knowing her final thesis paper was due soon, more rolls of parchment and a new bottle of ink, maybe even a few books to read whenever she needed a break.

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