"OUCH! AH! STOP YOU DEVIL'S SPAWN! GO BACK TO HELL!" This goes on for a good five minutes before Cerise managed to return Fyn to her Pokéball. I guess that's why she called Fyn 'demon child.' It is a rather aggressive Sylveon. Today I think it has good reason, though.

Cerise gets up from the ground, covered and scratches and bruises I might add, and looks at the Gible. The dragon type stares back with a smirk before using Dig and disappearing. This time, however, it doesn't come back.

"Dammit," Cerise grumbles. "I'm coming back for him. You better believe I am."

"Yeah well, you do that," Russet mumbles. He obviously wasn't too happy with Cerise's performance. "Can we just hurry up to Lumiose. I think we're all in need of a change of clothes." That's true. Because of the wind, out clothes were covered in as fine layer of reddish-orange clay.

"Hmph, fine." Cerise follows the rest of us as we continue our trek, which is a great deal easier without all of the wind and dirt. But, what I want to know is why Cerise wants two very 'demonic' Pokémon on her team. She can barely manage the one she has. Oh well, that's not my problem I suppose. I have my very well behaved Eevee and that's really all that matters.

- - - - -

"Alright," Russet announces. We are gathered in the lobby area of the Pokémon Center, all in a new set of dirt-free clothing. "Split up!"

"Split up," I ask. Averie cocks her head. I had to give her a short bath. Some of the rusty dirt had gotten in her fur despite my efforts.

"Oh yeah," he says. "We all decided that we'd explore Lumiose City a bit before Cerise's next gym battle. Since we couldn't agree on where to go, we going to spilt up. I'm going to the Battle Institution."

"I'm going back to the Route 13," Cerise says. "I have to catch that Gible. Jazz, what about you?"

The dark haired boy shrugs his shoulders. His hair is starting to grow long enough to cover the success in his head. "I dunno. Wherever Peridot is." He turns to said boy.

"I kind of wanted to go to the art museum," he says shyly. "Boring yeah, but I want to go look at some of the paintings."

"If you want to go the museum, then that's where we'll go," Jasper confirms with a rare smile, the semblance of he and Russet very prominent.

"What about you Sienna," Cerise asks me.

"Hmm, maybe I'll go to Hotel Richissime." I've always wanted to go there. I heard they let you check out the rooms without having to pay and even offer part-time jobs.

"Sounds cool," she says. "Well, see y'all later." She jogs out of the center. The rest of us follow suit.

The walk to the hotel was a short one. Once I enter, my ears are filled with the sounds of violins and flutes playing softly. The carpet I stand on is a deep teal color. Circles of the same color are aligned in an orderly fashion across the white tiles to either side. The furniture looks...expensive to say the absolute least. Creamy white and deep rich purple with solid gold accents. I do not belong here, dressed in but a T-shirt and jeans, but I'm here anyway.

I walk up the dark teal carpet top the front desk where the blonde haired concierge is.

"Hello, welcome to Hotel Richissime. How may I be of service?" She sounds sincere enough. Most people at the front desk are very fake.

"Is it okay if I check out some of the vacant rooms?"

She smiles. "That's fine. Just his on one second." She looks down a list of papers before pressing what looks to be a pager button. "There will be someone down here shortly to escort you. Sadly, the only vacant rooms we have are on the fourth floor so there won't be much to see."

"That's fine," I say with a smile. I pet Averie as we wait and she wags her overly fluffy tail. A maid comes down a short while later.

"Hello there," she with false kindness. It's very easy to tell. "Are you who I will be escorting." I nod. "Okay, follow me. We walk over to the lone elevator in the hotel and take it to up the fourth floor.

"You can look around any of the unoccupied rooms on this floor," the maid says to me. "Take all the time you need."

"Thank you," I say. I begin to walk but Averie jumps out of my arms and gestures to the opposite direction. "What is it Averie," I ask her. She paws at the door of the room in front of her. Well, it's unoccupied. I guess I should check bit out. Averie seems really bent on doing so.

I twist the knob and step inside. There's a girl looking at me. She is sitting on the bed. Her hair is long, wispy, and black as a nightmare. Her almond shaped eyes the same shade of brown as my own. She is very beautiful with her fairy type-like feautures and tan. She has on a black and gray dress along with some riding boots. There's a smile on her face, a bright and somewhat wild one. I give her a soft one in return as my lips form two words.

"Hello Akia."

- - - - - - - - - -

If you're rereading this, I removed the pictures. My dislike for them grew the more the story went on.

Well that's all I wanted to say. Thanks for reading! Goodbye~!

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