"Aren't you a little lonely tonight, Jungkookie? Wanna join us?" Lee extended a mock greeting.

"Can't you see we're having a conversation here?" Tae shot back with his eyes narrowed but the others only snickered.

"Oh, we can definitely see that. It's just that our Jungkook here said that he will be here with his boyfriend," Chao pointed out.

Jungkook put a hand on Tae's forearm, stopping him from replying again and turned his attention to his drink. Yoongi was pulled away by someone earlier that left Tae and Jungkook alone. Jimin told him that he'd be late. But when he checked the time again, it was over an hour already. Not that he minded, Jimin was a busy man. Every second of his time was money. That was how the business world worked. And he didn't want to waste that time on these people, whose main job was to poke their noses into other people's business.

"Come on, Jungkookie. Don't be a spoiled sport. We just want to meet him." Chao nudged his hand.

"We just wanted to say hi to this boyfriend. We're his colleagues after all." Yunho shrugged with his shitty smile that irked Jungkook.

Jungkook shrugged. "I'd rather you don't say hi."

"Ah, possessive much?" They chuckled amongst themselves obviously entertained by his reply. "Now that's really petty. We all know who's the faggot here, don't we?"

Tae lunged for them only for Jungkook to stop him again.

"That's enough!" Came Yoongi's voice from behind them. "Say that word again, I'll make sure you don't set foot into Park Corporation for breaching the code of conduct," he warned, daring them to challenge him.

"Oh, I...I—" Yunho gaped.

"If I ever hear you bullying my brother again..." he trailed off. "I'm not a patient man. I stayed silent because I thought it was just some harmless banter. Leave us. I'll be sure to have a word with Sungmin-ssi."

"We didn't...we didn't mean it that way," Yunho sputtered.

"I don't care whether you meant it or not," Yoongi hissed, his fingers tightening around the neck of his glass. "My brother's dating life or sexuality is none of your concern and seriously fuck off. I see you near him again, you're fired."

"You-You can't do that," Chao's eyes widened as he turned to his friend. "He-He can't do that, can he?"

"Yoongi hyung!" Someone called and the other's eyes widened more.

"Give me a minute, Hoseok-ah," Yoongi said over his shoulder without even turning, his gaze fixated on the others. "Like I said, I can and I will if you don't behave. Now, if you'll excuse me...I have to entertain my dongsaeng a bit." A smile lifted the corner of his lips. "Oh, I forgot that's also one of our bosses." He smirked before pivoting on his heel and walking to Hoseok who was beaming at him.

Jungkook watched with an amused grin as Hoseok wrapped a hand around Yoongi's shoulder leading him somewhere.

"Fuck! I almost nutted at that display," Taehyung whispered to Jungkook. "Can he get any hotter? I'm totally getting railed today."

Jungkook snorted, ignoring the others and turning to his childhood friend. "You speak as if you already don't have a butt plug up your ass."

He turned them around and began walking in a different direction, leaving the gaping idiots behind. Yoongi hyung won't fire them over this, but Jungkook knew he'd be sure to tell Sungmin about this.

As much as he wanted to flaunt Jimin in front of them, he knew it wasn't worth it. They simply didn't worth his time. These people weren't the first to call him a faggot or bully him over his sexuality, he knew they wouldn't be the last. Why bother responding to them when you can ignore them altogether? Ignorance is bliss.

Euphoria | Jikook [COMPLETED] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now