"Phil, our drinks are here." Techno spoke, poking Phil's shoulder. Phil took notice and handed the lady giving the drinks the money.

There were four hot chocolates and a coffee, three hot chocolates with an overload of marshmallows.

Techno grabbed the one with no marshmallows then passed the others to the rest of the boys.

Tubbo looked at the warm drink in his hands and he shivered, remembering suddenly how cold he still was.

The steam from the hot drink coated his cheeks, making them a soft red already. He brought his face close to the drink to sniff it, only to end up with marshmallow on his nose.

"Agh- what is this?" Tubbo sat up instantly, too scared to wipe his nose. Tommy laughed and grabbed a napkin, wiping off the marshmallow.

"It's just a marshmallow, silly!"

"A marshmallow?"

"Yea! It's like a fluffy cloud! But editable!" Tommy threw his arms in the air for an exaggeration with a hug smile.

Tubbo laughed at the boy. "Okay!" He put a finger in his melted marshmallows and wiped some on Tommy's cheek, causing the other boy to jump back.

"Hey! Oh, you're asking for this one!" Tommy did the same thing, though wiping it closer to the boys mouth. Both boys were laughing.

Phil chuckled at the boys. "We're going to have fun with them, aren't we?" He looked at Techno and Wilbur, who were laughing along with the kids.

"I guess so." Techno said between laughs.

Phil chuckled and took a sip of his coffee, enjoying the warmth.

Tubbo took a sip of his drink after watching the other boy gulp his down. He silently questioned how the boy could do that when the drink was for sure still hot.

Tubbo felt safe with these new faces. People passed by him everyday and even dropped off food, but they never treated him like this.

Tubbo leaned his head on the boy next to him, instantly feeling heat radiating off of the blonde boy. Tommy smiled and turned towards Wilbur.

"Phil! It likes me!" He whisper-yelled, pointing at the boy who was now hugging him.

Tommy wrapped his arms around Tubbo, holding him on his lap tightly.

Wilbur let out a small "Awe" as be watched the two boys practically cuddle, Tubbo falling close to slumber.

Phil stood up with Techno following. "We need to head home and set things up. You boys ready?" Phil spoke, adjusting his coat.

Tommy nodded. "Can you help me?" He whispered.

Phil chuckled. "Yes, Tommy. I'll help you." He walked over and gently grabbed Tubbo, waking the boy from his daze.

"Where are we going, mister?" Tubbo asked quietly, wrapping his arms around Phil's neck to keep himself up.

Phil rubbed little circle's on the little boys back. "We're bringing you to our home, little one." Phil smiled at the boy.

Tubbo's smile seemed to fade. "Why can't I go back to my home?"

The blonde froze, not knowing what to say. Instead, he sat the boy down on his feet so Wilbur could wrap him in his brown overcoat so he wouldn't freeze outside.

Wilbur grabbed ahold of Tubbos hand, Tommy running up behind and grabbing his other.

And with that, they all walked out of the café.

. . .

Tubbo was scared.

The nice family didn't leave him in the box like he thought they would, but instead, they brought him to an entirely different house.

It was warm and cozy inside the house. They had led Tubbo to a room with a trundle bed; Tommy's room.

"You're going to be staying in here until we find out where your parents are." Is what they told him.

Now, it was nighttime.

Tubbo lay on the pullout bed while Tommy was on the main, softly snoring. Tubbo couldn't sleep.

He wanted to find a way to tell these new people that his parents didn't want him, to tell they that he didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay here where he was safe.

But he somehow knew he couldn't.

He loved his papa, but his papa didn't love him. It was scary to Tubbo.

Tubbo sighed and sat up in bed, looking over at Tommy and examined his features.

His blonde hair was messy, his mouth hang open with his low snores filling the room. His left cheek seemed to be some sort of lava instead of skin. Tommy wore a red onesie but it had burn marks on the feet, near his thighs, his wrists, and his chest.

To say the least, Tubbo got a bit scared if that, not knowing why he was constantly on fire.

Tubbo climbed out of his bed, silently pushing it back under the main bed, and climbed in bed with Tommy.

He was warm.

The little moobloom wrapped his arms around the magma boy, enjoying the warmth he was giving off.

He felt safe, as if this Tommy kid could protect him.

Out of instinct, Tommy rolled over in his sleep and wrapped his arms around the boy cuddling him, almost scaring the life out of him.

"Tommy . . . Are you awake?" Tubbo asked quietly, a little part of him not wanting him to be awake.

Tommy lay silently, his breathing still steady as he held his friend.

Tubbo smiled and allowed the magma boy to hold him.

Within seconds, Tubbo fell asleep in his new friends arms.

Word Count: 1546
~{ Heya :D Hope you enjoyed! I promise there will be longer chapters in the future.

I want to point out that this is a family-type relationship between Tommy and Tubbo. I just find it really cute, okay? ;-;

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, feel free to call me out on them. Adios!}~

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