**Before the Story :)**

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Heya! Welcome to my story!

A quick thing before the story... I'm just going to list some of the characters from the first few chapters just so y'all know what's going on.

Also, I got the magma cube idea form someone on Twitter :)

Tommy: 6 years old - bright blue eyes - magma cube (constantly has to be warm)

Tubbo: 7 years old - bright green eyes - moobloom (flowers can change depending on the mood)

Wilbur: 14 years old - dull brown eyes - boar
(Because why not)

Techno: 16 years old - amber eyes - hog/pig (isn't sure which one so he calls himself both?)

Philza: 28 years old - dull blue eyes - shapshifting wings (meaning he can change his wings at will)

With that out of the way, please know that this is just for fun :) I simply love the headcanons of the Sleepy Bois and I've been wanting to make a proper story for a while.

If y'all want to request ships, go for it. Though only platonic ships, no incest, no smut, and no minors. (When I say that, I mean the minors in real life and not in this story) For example... Dreambur, Schlattbur, Dreamnoblade, Qulatt, stuff like that.

This story also starts off near Christmas time :) Corona isn't a thing in this, either.


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